* Entry is free of charge
* Entries are limited to one per person; anyone making multiple entries will not be eligible for the prize.
* Administrators of the Coffee Shop forum may not enter this competition
* There is a single prize for the entry which guesses the closest to the actual number of beans in the jar. This prize is two standard class anytime return tickets on GWR services, donated to the Coffee Shop forum by Great Western Railway. There is no cash alternative.
* Entries must reach us by midnight on May 28th 2019, and the actual and winning numbers will be announced on this page shortly thereafter.
* The winning entrant will be contacted by email and invite to let us know his/her postal address so that we can send him/her the tickets. We will email all entrants shortly after the winner has been announced to let them know the competition outcome, and that is the only use that will be made of email addresses given to us for competition entry.
* In the event of a tie for the prize, a random winning entry will be drawn by the administrators.
* In the event of any dispute, it will be resolved by the administrators of the forum who's decision will be final.
* This competition is promoted and administered by the Great Western Coffee Shop Forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat to whom any enquiries should be directed. Postal address 48, Spa Road, Melksham, SN12 7NY.