A compromise may be better than your initial idea
This campaign tip (no. 111) was published on Sunday, 21st April 2019
A campaign starts as a reaction to a situation. Either (and perhaps too often) save something or other as it is, or "this isn't right". And it starts from the tiniest of seeds ... one or two people.
Those people who start the campaign do well to put their passion into the campaign - for passion is needed to propel seeds into saplings and great trees. But they also do well to listen to others who can help that tree grow - and to take wider note of those other people's desired and requirements.
If you compromise on your initial idea, you may come up with something even better ... I can recall an initial look at our Melksham train service and an initial idea / suggestion looking purely at our local requirement. We rapidly learned of overlapping needs for travel between other West Wilts towns and Chippenham and Swindon - though Melksham. The final running service - failed in one aspect - to reach our original goals. But it's actually far more economically robust, serves more people, and is much more successful and stable - in fact it's so successful that it can now justify the provision of something to meet the missing aspect - an evening train.
Discussion via Coffee Shop forum
Those people who start the campaign do well to put their passion into the campaign - for passion is needed to propel seeds into saplings and great trees. But they also do well to listen to others who can help that tree grow - and to take wider note of those other people's desired and requirements.
If you compromise on your initial idea, you may come up with something even better ... I can recall an initial look at our Melksham train service and an initial idea / suggestion looking purely at our local requirement. We rapidly learned of overlapping needs for travel between other West Wilts towns and Chippenham and Swindon - though Melksham. The final running service - failed in one aspect - to reach our original goals. But it's actually far more economically robust, serves more people, and is much more successful and stable - in fact it's so successful that it can now justify the provision of something to meet the missing aspect - an evening train.
Discussion via Coffee Shop forum