Forum members are welcome to add calendar entries for events across the Coffee Shop area (and national events which effect public transport in that area) on the main forum, and such updates will automaticlly be reflected here. The format of this page will be expanded to include the full event subject line too in due course.
Great Western Coffee Shop Forum
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Members logged in - last 8 and 24 hours - 53, 91
Members, threads, posts - 3346
, 25890, 348997
[*] New entrance, Bakerloo Line, Paddington. Opened October 2024 [*] Paddle Steamer Waverley - merged posts [*] New map promotes car-free travel in the Cotswolds [*] Scope to increase Bristol suburban services? [*] Passengers causing disturbance closes E Bound GWML in Cornwall 01 Oct 2024 [*] Cardiff Bay Station branch [*] Shortage of train crews on Great Western Railway - ongoing discussion [*] [otd] 3rd October 1906 - Ashton Avenue Bridge opened [*] New station at Ashley Down, Bristol