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[51] 11:03, 18th SepI'm lost for a title for this one !
[37] 07:47, 18th SepJane Austen special train
[26] 07:15, 19th SepMid Cornwall Metro - APPROVED
[21] 16:37, 18th SepMetroWest services begin
[19] 11:35, 19th SepSteam passenger train on a viaduct: location?
[17] 09:04, 19th SepWhere was Red Squirrel, 2/9/24 to 16/9/24
[11] 08:00, 19th SepPortishead Line reopening for passengers - ongoing discussion
[10] 07:15, 19th SepWWRUG - 18th September 2024 - Bethesda Church Hall, Trowbridge
[10] 13:00, 18th SepGWR - Eight years old today
[9] 07:23, 19th SepGunnislake line suspended from 13/09/24
[8] 00:16, 19th SepWhere was Finn exploring today, 18th September 2024?
[7] 15:21, 18th SepTowns, branch lines and cycle paths.
[7] 18:28, 7th SepSeagull species in serious decline, say experts (August 2024)
[6] 14:52, 17th SepAn odd kind of a "reinstated"
[5] 08:35, 1st JunCows on the line - Taunton to Tiverton - 01 Jun 24
[5] 22:10, 17th SepGWR logo a long way from 'home'. Where's this?
[4] 09:18, 17th SepAnnoying / amusing use of completely irrelevant stock photos to illustrate pr ...
[4] 23:35, 17th SepEmergency stop - 08:20 Newcastle to London (Lumo) 17.4.2022
[4] 12:11, 18th SepHawes-Garsdale cycle route/bridleway proposal
[4] 20:15, 17th Sep"Nightsleeper" BBC TV drama
[4] 13:02, 18th SepRail unions industrial and strike action 2024
[3] 17:50, 17th SepNew Isles of Scilly ferry service
[2] 07:09, 17th SepHS2 -the railway that blew billions - Panorama 16 September

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[*] I'm lost for a title for this one !
[*] Jane Austen special train
[*] Mid Cornwall Metro - APPROVED
[*] MetroWest services begin
[*] Steam passenger train on a viaduct: location?
[*] Where was Red Squirrel, 2/9/24 to 16/9/24
[*] Portishead Line reopening for passengers - ongoing discussion
[*] WWRUG - 18th September 2024 - Bethesda Church Hall, Trowbridge
[*] GWR - Eight years old today