Title: The Wider Picture - making it wider, but also clearer, hopefully Post by: Chris from Nailsea on July 31, 2017, 21:00:26 I note that the Coffee Shop forum's 'The Wider Picture' board now has some 17,554 posts in 1,584 topics. :o
We have also received some very valid input in the past, to the effect that it's rather hard to find / track / update some of those topics of discussion on the forum, due to the acknowledged limitations of our search facility. Having discussed this with grahame (it is his forum, after all!), we have agreed that I can split our existing one 'wider picture' board into two separate 'UK' and 'Overseas' boards. I've done a quick review, and I reckon they'll probably turn out about equal in terms of topics / posts - but I think it would make them much easier to reference. This is another fairly large project for me to undertake, so please do bear with me while I move a lot of existing topics here into those new boards. Chris from Nailsea. :) Title: Re: The Wider Picture - making it wider, but also clearer, hopefully Post by: Chris from Nailsea on August 16, 2017, 21:52:30 I continue to work on this project (in my spare time), so thank you all for your patience.
I have (I think!) now set this particular board to be 'reply only to existing topics'. I've done that simply so that no more new topics are started here, while I continue to migrate the existing topics elsewhere, as appropriate. If you wish to start a new topic, please do so - either on the Wider Picture 'within the UK (http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?board=51.0)' board or the 'overseas (http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?board=52.0)' board. Thanks, CfN. :) Title: Re: The Wider Picture - making it wider, but also clearer, hopefully Post by: Chris from Nailsea on August 30, 2017, 22:34:28 As I continue to work on this project, I note that grahame has, quite rightly, raised a couple of queries as to where 'Eurostar channel tunnel' and 'journeys from the UK to overseas and / or back' posts should be made.
In the interests of simplicity, may I suggest that any such topics are added to the new 'wider picture in the UK' board. If the journey starts or ends in the UK, then it's fair enough on the UK board. The original intention (which remains valid) was to split off the many, very much wider, relevant, interesting and informative topics which cover rail and other transport issues elsewhere in the World, but which have no direct link to the UK - just for example, a bus crash in South Africa, or a level crossing near-miss in Bolivia. I hope this clarifies things. ;) Title: Re: The Wider Picture - making it wider, but also clearer, hopefully Post by: grahame on August 31, 2017, 04:48:36 As I continue to work on this project, I note that grahame has, quite rightly, raised a couple of queries as to where 'Eurostar channel tunnel' and 'journeys from the UK to overseas and / or back' posts should be made. Always the one to ask awkward questions! Quote In the interests of simplicity, may I suggest that any such topics are added to the new 'wider picture in the UK' board. If the journey starts or ends in the UK, then it's fair enough on the UK board. Sensible decision - just needed to know which way to go to avoid subjects being doubled up. Thanks CfN Title: Re: The Wider Picture - making it wider, but also clearer, hopefully Post by: grahame on November 28, 2022, 08:36:57 I have (I think!) now set this particular board to be 'reply only to existing topics'. I've done that simply so that no more new topics are started here, while I continue to migrate the existing topics elsewhere, as appropriate. If you wish to start a new topic, please do so - either on the Wider Picture 'within the UK (http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?board=51.0)' board or the 'overseas (http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?board=52.0)' board. Hi, Chris and everyone ... Moderators and admins have extraordinary powers and that has included the ability to (accidentally) start new threads on the old board. No huge issue, except that a few threads have muddied the fact this board is closed to new topics. I have just moved a handful of topics to the two "new" boards - links and likes will remain unchanged. This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |