Great Western Coffee Shop

Sideshoots - associated subjects => Campaigns for new and improved services => Topic started by: grahame on May 02, 2020, 00:35:58

Title: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on May 02, 2020, 00:35:58

DfT sifts 60 new rail plans

01 May 2020
Sixty proposals for railway reopenings in England have been submitted to the ideas funding stream of the DfT’s Restoring Your Railway fund.

The applications will be considered by a panel chaired by rail minister Chris Heaton-Harris. The other members are: Simon Clarke, the minister for regional growth and local government; Sir Peter Hendy, the chair of Network Rail; Jackie Sadek, the chief executive of UK Regeneration; and Isabel Dedring, global transport leader at consultant Arup.

The DfT will write to applicants in May to update them on the progress of their application.

Unsuccessful applicants will receive advice from the Department, to help them develop their application for consideration in a later round.

The deadline for the second round of applications is 22 May to register an interest and 19 June to submit applications.

In recognition that many council staff are pre-occupied with Covid-19 issues, a third round of applications will take place in November.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Kernow Otter on May 03, 2020, 09:34:43
Lostwithiel to Fowey is one of the 60.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: TonyK on May 03, 2020, 10:52:44
This is interesting. Even if it only results in one or two ideas being taken forward this time, it could provide a channel for reopenings. It could also, of course, just add an extra layer to the aleady tortuous road to refusal.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: 4064ReadingAbbey on May 03, 2020, 11:54:29
This is interesting. Even if it only results in one or two ideas being taken forward this time, it could provide a channel for reopenings. It could also, of course, just add an extra layer to the aleady tortuous road to refusal.
I have to agree. Whether any proposals get taken forward or even, heaven forbid!, be implemented will depend not so much on the need for any of the proposals but on the political and economic situation when the time comes to spend serious money. At current prices new or re-opened railways cost in the order of £20 million to £40 million per mile. Roads can be a bit cheaper, although they take more land, because the expensive bit of the railway - the signalling and control systems - are in the individual vehicles so don't count. The planning and legal palaver is very similar for both modes.

In any case, don't hold your breath. Even if a scheme is selected and funded for development it will take a minimum of five or eight years before the statutory, legal and parliamentary stages are completed. Allowing three years for construction the first schemes won't operational until 2031 or 2032 at the earliest.

That's probably two General Elections away...

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Richard Fairhurst on May 03, 2020, 12:16:36
Not GWR territory, but I really hope Burton-Leicester is in there. A lower-hanging fruit is more difficult to imagine, especially given the appalling congestion on local roads.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Andy on May 06, 2020, 09:32:50
Does anyone know if the list will be/has been made public at some point and/or what other schemes in GW-land are on it?

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on May 06, 2020, 13:19:55
Does anyone know if the list will be/has been made public at some point and/or what other schemes in GW-land are on it?

No immediate list, but question has been asked.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on May 15, 2020, 11:45:50
Does anyone know if the list will be/has been made public at some point and/or what other schemes in GW-land are on it?

No immediate list, but question has been asked.

No news yet on the first round ... any intelligence gratefully received. With a 22nd May deadline to register interest for round 2, I hope the applicants in round 1 hear soon so they can either progress the case or register that they will update.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on May 23, 2020, 14:38:22
Does anyone know if the list will be/has been made public at some point and/or what other schemes in GW-land are on it?

From press release notes from this morning's.   from the Department for Transport (DfT) ... a list of the ten projects.   I have quoted the full notes to editors as I can't see them anywhere on the web site

Edit: VickiS - Clarifying abbreviation

Notes to editors


· Also under consideration is new guidance for privately owned car parks, such as those outside cinemas, and bike and e-bike rental companies to help them set up ‘park and walk/cycle’ schemes in areas across the UK - helping create more options for greener inner-city travel.

Light rail/buses funding

· Backdated to 12 May, the £283m investment will help increase bus and light rail services in line with social distancing guidelines, with measures to keep staff and passengers safe during the pandemic, including adjustments to vehicles, signage, deep cleaning and the provision of hand sanitiser.

· The light rail funding will support operators in Sheffield, Nottingham, Tyne and Wear, Manchester and the West Midlands.


· The A66 is an important local and regional road, linking the east and west of northern England across the Pennines, from the M6 junction 40 at Penrith to the A1(M) at Scotch Corner.

· Results from the public consultation held last year as well as other important factors including minimising community severance and ensuring environmental protection were used to select the preferred route.

· Following preferred route announcement, Highways England will commence a range of engagement activities including holding focus groups with local stakeholders. In the coming months the project will move into the preliminary design phase which will involve more detailed surveys and refinement of the scheme design in preparation for the statutory public consultation in 2021.

Volunteering Matters

· Volunteering Matters are a key part of the Voluntary and Community Sector Emergency Partnership. This partnership was established in 2017 following the Grenfell fire to assist coordination amongst voluntary and community sector agencies, with DCMS providing a grant of £200,000 to the Partnership in March to support its working in response to COVID-19.


· Bids progressing to the next stage come from across the country and include proposals to reinstate the Ivanhoe line in the East Midlands, and the Clitheroe-Hellifield line in the North West, as well as to reopen the Wellington and Cullompton stations in the South West. These rail links will help reconnect towns, ease congestion, regenerate economies and improve accessibility to jobs, homes and education.

· The Transport Secretary has also agreed to give £5m to further develop the plan to reinstate passenger services on the Ashington-Blyth-Tyne Line in Northumberland, in addition to the £1.5m initially pledged.

· Several lines and stations closed under Beeching have already been successfully re-opened. Todmorden Curve in West Yorkshire re-opened in 2015, enabling direct services from Burnley and Accrington to Manchester for the first time in forty years. The nineteen-mile Ebbw Vale branch line in South Wales, closed to passengers in 1962, was reopened in 2008 - with passenger demand exceeding predictions by 450%.

· The list of successful bids for this round is below:

Reopening Meir Railway Station between Stoke-On-Trent and North Staffordshire

Reinstatement of the Barrow Hill line between Sheffield and Chesterfield

Reinstatement of the Ivanhoe line

Reinstatement of branch lines on the Isle of Wight

Reinstatement of the Abbey line between St Albans Abbey and Watford Junction

Reopening of Wellington and Cullompton stations

Reinstatement of the Bury-Heywood-Rochdale lines

Reinstatement of the Clitheroe to Hellifield railway line

Reinstatement of rail access to Devizes via a new station at Lydeway

Reintroduction of passenger rail services on the Waterside line

Craig Owen
Senior External Affairs Manager (Aviation and Maritime), Group Communications

Two in our area ...

1. Cullompton and Wellington

2. Lydeway (Devizes Parkway)

Two close to our area

3. Waterside line (Southampton to Fawley)

4. Branch lines on the Isle of Wight

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Oxonhutch on May 23, 2020, 16:04:28
'Reinstatement' of the Clitheroe - Hellifield Line is a bit disingenuous, or at least over-egged. There is a extant and used two track railway between those two towns with a Sunday passenger service. Maybe a reinstatement of weekday passenger service - hopefully with reopening of some intermediate stations - long closed.

Reinstatement of the nearby Colne - Skipton route - closed by Barbera Castle, not Richard Beeching - would be a proper and useful reinstatement.

Also 'Reinstatement of the Bury-Heywood-Rochdale lines'. As far as I am aware there is a single track railway on that route right now. And without CoVid, the East Lancashire Railway would be operating trains between between the first two localities.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: jdw.wor on May 23, 2020, 16:47:15
If you think  the claim that a Clitheroe to Hellifield reopening is a little disingenuous, how about Watford to St Albans Abbey which is open and overhead electrified!!
It currently has a bus service because of the virus. Is this the start of there being a reopening inquiry after each time there is a bus replacement service???!! :)

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: RichardB on May 23, 2020, 16:52:53
If you think  the claim that a Clitheroe to Hellifield reopening is a little disingenuous, how about Watford to St Albans Abbey which is open and overhead electrified!!
It currently has a bus service because of the virus. Is this the start of there being a reopening inquiry after each time there is a bus replacement service???!! :)

I'm guessing it's the Bricket Wood passing loop that is being talked about re Watford - St Albans. 

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on May 23, 2020, 18:41:56
If you think  the claim that a Clitheroe to Hellifield reopening is a little disingenuous, how about Watford to St Albans Abbey which is open and overhead electrified!!
It currently has a bus service because of the virus. Is this the start of there being a reopening inquiry after each time there is a bus replacement service???!! :)

I'm guessing it's the Bricket Wood passing loop that is being talked about re Watford - St Albans. 

Probably ... that's what's been talked about.    The line currently runs at train capacity with a service every 45 minutes which is rather too thin and very messy in terms of remembering when it's running - far from clock face. . I used it a couple of years back ... took the connecting transfer bus from St Albans City to St Albans Abbey - got stuck in traffic and the bus designed to connect didn't.   On a short intermodal journey, a 45 minute wait feels a long time - even when poking round to take some good pictures for a quiz.

30 minute service, trains passing in the middle, sounds sensible and I expect the money is to work out in more detail than has been done so far ...
a) is it sensible
b) how would it be done
c) what would it cost

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Celestial on May 23, 2020, 18:55:48

30 minute service, trains passing in the middle, sounds sensible and I expect the money is to work out in more detail than has been done so far ...
a) is it sensible
b) how would it be done
c) what would it cost

You'd imagine with such a simple scheme that it wouldn't take too long to work out b) and c). 

How would it be done?  Um, with a passing loop of just the right length, at a convenient place roughly half way along the line.  Only debate would be whether to have it a) at a station, with all the additional costs of a second platform, b) at a station with a Penryn style arrangement or c) in between stations, to keep build costs to a minimum.

How much would it cost?  Well two relatively low speed switches and a bit of track, a simple signalling solution, and any station work depending on the answer above.   Running costs should be relatively easy to work out too.

How much consultancy will that take?     

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: TonyK on May 23, 2020, 19:21:14
I heard mention of Fleetwood whilst I was reading the paper during that broadcast. I can't see it mentioned anywhere since I started listening properly.

I did hear the minister refer to "post-Covid" spending to stimulate the economy. As not all of the schemes mentioned won't see the money, can I be the first to refer to the selection procedure as some sort of "post-Covid lottery"?

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on May 23, 2020, 19:45:12
I heard mention of Fleetwood whilst I was reading the paper during that broadcast. I can't see it mentioned anywhere since I started listening properly.

Blyth / Washington, Fleetwood and Peterlee all got a mention outside the award list - I think they are separate and ahead, or different situations where the political can may drown the financial one.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: paul7575 on May 25, 2020, 10:41:52
I heard mention of Fleetwood whilst I was reading the paper during that broadcast. I can't see it mentioned anywhere since I started listening properly.

Blyth / Washington, Fleetwood and Peterlee all got a mention outside the award list - I think they are separate and ahead, or different situations where the political can may drown the financial one.
Definitely.  This ten is a new list of ideas in a particular process. It definitely must not be read as the only schemes on the Department for Transport´s (DfT)’s radar, I’ve seen this mistake being made in a number of forums.


Edit: VickiS - Clarifying Acronyms

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Celestial on May 26, 2020, 10:16:46

30 minute service, trains passing in the middle, sounds sensible and I expect the money is to work out in more detail than has been done so far ...
a) is it sensible
b) how would it be done
c) what would it cost

You'd imagine with such a simple scheme that it wouldn't take too long to work out b) and c). 

How would it be done?  Um, with a passing loop of just the right length, at a convenient place roughly half way along the line.  Only debate would be whether to have it a) at a station, with all the additional costs of a second platform, b) at a station with a Penryn style arrangement or c) in between stations, to keep build costs to a minimum.

How much would it cost?  Well two relatively low speed switches and a bit of track, a simple signalling solution, and any station work depending on the answer above.   Running costs should be relatively easy to work out too.

How much consultancy will that take?     
An interesting note from IanVisits which links to a report, which appears to have done all the leg work in terms of the above assessment.

and the report

So given the overall pot for all the schemes mentioned was £500k to further investigation, I'm not sure what work needs to be done to progress this scheme, which could be achieved with the funding available. Which makes me suspicious that the whole announcement was a lot of fluff and very little meaningful substance.

(And the answers were a) yes, b) a Penryn passing loop, c) £9m.   )

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: hoover50 on May 27, 2020, 11:43:18
Two in our area ...

1. Cullompton and Wellington

2. Lydeway (Devizes Parkway)

Building a new station at Lydeway (Devizes Parkway) is a stupid idea.

A far better solution would be to reinstate the branch line into Devizes town centre and extend the Bedwyn trains to terminate there.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Robin Summerhill on May 27, 2020, 11:49:20

Building a new station at Lydeway (Devizes Parkway) is a stupid idea.

A far better solution would be to reinstate the branch line into Devizes town centre and extend the Bedwyn trains to terminate there.

Which is cheaper and far more likely to happen?

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Celestial on May 27, 2020, 12:42:19

Building a new station at Lydeway (Devizes Parkway) is a stupid idea.

A far better solution would be to reinstate the branch line into Devizes town centre and extend the Bedwyn trains to terminate there.

Which is cheaper and far more likely to happen?
Well it isn't a highly marginal constituency with an imminent general election, so I'm inclined to agree with you. Rebuilding a branch line for a town with a population of around 12,000 would appear to offer a poor benefit cost ratio, in comparison to other potential projects which might get support from senior government officials, such as Bishop Auckland to Barnard Castle. 

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: ellendune on May 27, 2020, 13:31:44
Well it isn't a highly marginal constituency with an imminent general election, so I'm inclined to agree with you. Rebuilding a branch line for a town with a population of around 12,000 would appear to offer a poor benefit cost ratio, in comparison to other potential projects which might get support from senior government officials, such as Bishop Auckland to Barnard Castle. 

Much safer for people with eyesight problems than driving to Barnards Castle.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on May 27, 2020, 15:33:18

Building a new station at Lydeway (Devizes Parkway) is a stupid idea.

A far better solution would be to reinstate the branch line into Devizes town centre and extend the Bedwyn trains to terminate there.

Which is cheaper and far more likely to happen?

Devizes Parkway (Lydeway) v branch into Devizes

The capital cost of a branch into Devizes - £75 million to £90 million; new station at Lydeway - £15 million.  Five times as expensive into Devizes - would it bring five or six times the benefit?   I really doubt in, which means it would have a far less positive benefit cost ratio.

Questions to be answered if you look for a re-opened branch into Devizes

Where would you place Devizes Station?
a) Outskirts of town (Marshall Road)
b) Pans Lane
c) Behind Long Street
d) Station Road
Even to Marshall Road, you have considerable engineering
Inward of Marshall Road, the trackbed is obliterated under houses
Inward of Long Street, you would need to re-open Devizes Tunnel
At the main line (east) end, significant track needed beyond Lydeway to bring Devizes branch down to main line level
- Sure, they call all be overcome but not cheap

What services would use it? / How would it work?
You suggest extending the Bedwyns. Yes, but that would preclude them from extending to Westbury.
By extending the Bedwyns, you would be providing a long distance stopper to Reading (and that might be right)
Would you cater for Devizes westward traffic - to Westbury, the West Country, Bath and Bristol?
Devizes urban is around 15,000; Devizes AREA around 30,000. Would you provide parking at the Town Station?

Some Lydeway elements which would not apply to Town stations

Initial 2 hourly service by trains already passing the site
Those exisiting service are semi-fast - not the Bedwyn stoppers
Good options for travelling west as well as east
Picks up rural catchment without need to travel into / park in Devizes

I would agree that Lydeway is not perfect
- few people will walk there; perhaps some will cycle (but unless you go inwards of Pan's Lane, much the same applies to a Devizes branch)
- If you're headed for Bath / Bristol it will feel preverse from the town to start off heading east

Lydeway strikes me as probably right for a significant catchment that's fairly well spread;  had it been built while I lived in Easterton it would have been my local station rather than seeing the trains hurtling past on their way between Pewsey many miles to the east and Westbury many miles to the West.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: eightonedee on May 27, 2020, 18:44:42
This is interesting - as someone who normally travels into Devizes from the northeast and leaves to the west (i.e. passing through by road on the A361) I do not know this side of town. If the parkway station is built on the south east side at Lydeway, it would be sensible to "grow" Devizes in this direction, as (in the absence of other planning constraints unknown to me) this would become a more sustainable location for residential development. And more people on this side of town should make any connecting bus service more sustainable, too.

Of course, if you currently live on the south east side of town you may not agree......

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on May 27, 2020, 20:18:40
This is interesting - as someone who normally travels into Devizes from the northeast and leaves to the west (i.e. passing through by road on the A361) I do not know this side of town. If the parkway station is built on the south east side at Lydeway, it would be sensible to "grow" Devizes in this direction, as (in the absence of other planning constraints unknown to me) this would become a more sustainable location for residential development. And more people on this side of town should make any connecting bus service more sustainable, too.

Of course, if you currently live on the south east side of town you may not agree......

That is a natural side of the town to grow on ... to the west, north west and north east, leaving Devizes you soon hit steep hills - Dunkirk Hill, Caen Hill and the gully on the way to Potterne, with the old road / lane dropping to Drews Pond. Much more sensible to extend the town to the north east (that's the A361 but it runs into a bank of industry) and south east (the A342 via Lydeway).    The 270 bus should run every hour in a loop from Devizes via The Lavington, Urchfont and Lydeway back into Devizes already, alternate directions, so you already have a bus past the station lane.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: CyclingSid on May 28, 2020, 07:19:02
I would agree that Lydeway is not perfect
- few people will walk there; perhaps some will cycle (but unless you go inwards of Pan's Lane, much the same applies to a Devizes branch)

So if you make it Lydeway, can you make the old track a cycle route to it. Probably the cheapest part of the many millions.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on May 28, 2020, 07:25:37
I would agree that Lydeway is not perfect
- few people will walk there; perhaps some will cycle (but unless you go inwards of Pan's Lane, much the same applies to a Devizes branch)

So if you make it Lydeway, can you make the old track a cycle route to it. Probably the cheapest part of the many millions.

Utterly sensible provided it's dual use for walkers too.  The A342 (road Devizes past Lydeway) is fast and has a significant rise and fall.  Not sure if / how much has been filled in where the back lane / village street in Stert crossed over railway which was in a cutting. 

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: chuffed on May 28, 2020, 07:41:45
A Devizes Central ? who says you don't get surprises livin' in Devizes..might have to Adge my bets ! ::)

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: IndustryInsider on May 28, 2020, 10:34:33
A Devizes Parkway could be the nudge needed to get the hourly Paddington to Bedwyn service extended to Westbury giving both it, and Pewsey, a boost.  It would also make westbound journeys from Hungerford, Kinrbury and Bedwyn much more attractive.  So, several winners if it happens - not just for Devizes itself.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: RichardB on May 28, 2020, 14:29:56
A Devizes Parkway could be the nudge needed to get the hourly Paddington to Bedwyn service extended to Westbury giving both it, and Pewsey, a boost.  It would also make westbound journeys from Hungerford, Kinrbury and Bedwyn much more attractive.  So, several winners if it happens - not just for Devizes itself.

Another thought is that it could be the catalyst for getting the two hourly semi-fast Paddington - Taunton/Exeter services up to hourly.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on May 28, 2020, 14:36:53
A Devizes Parkway could be the nudge needed to get the hourly Paddington to Bedwyn service extended to Westbury giving both it, and Pewsey, a boost.  It would also make westbound journeys from Hungerford, Kinrbury and Bedwyn much more attractive.  So, several winners if it happens - not just for Devizes itself.

Another thought is that it could be the catalyst for getting the two hourly semi-fast Paddington - Taunton/Exeter services up to hourly.

I totally agree, RichardB.  More than just clicking the "like" button.

Corollary. Would this hourly semi-fast also be the service provision for Wellington and Cullompton in due course (though we need to be careful not to link the cases to ensure that neither brings down the other if it fails).

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Andy on July 01, 2020, 10:29:34
Reports from various sources that among the latest proposals submitted to the government are the reopening of the line to Wadebridge from Bodmin and an upgrade of the Newquay branch.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: infoman on July 01, 2020, 13:00:39
Ref the Newquay branch instead of an upgrade, increase in speed/s newer rolling stock, extra coaches? which would  a fortune

Maybe ask the residents of the Newquay area what time would suit them best to have an early morning departure from Newquay.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: IndustryInsider on July 01, 2020, 13:55:48
Maybe ask the residents of the Newquay area what time would suit them best to have an early morning departure from Newquay.

An earlier departure from Newquay is part of the DA3 (Direct Award 3) deal.  07:12 from Newquay, starting next week by the looks of things?  Offers a just gone 9am arrival at Plymouth, Exeter for just gone 10am, and Paddington by 12:30.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Andy on July 01, 2020, 16:47:05
Reopening Ashburton to Buckfastleigh is also among the proposals, apparently.

Frustratingly, I can't find any details (on any)...

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: TonyK on July 01, 2020, 17:59:53
Reopening Ashburton to Buckfastleigh is also among the proposals, apparently.

Frustratingly, I can't find any details (on any)...

I thought the section between Ahburton and Buckfastleigh became part of the enlarged A38, which would add a degree of difficulty to the reopening.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Andy on July 01, 2020, 18:31:34
Reopening Ashburton to Buckfastleigh is also among the proposals, apparently.

Frustratingly, I can't find any details (on any)...

I thought the section between Ahburton and Buckfastleigh became part of the enlarged A38, which would add a degree of difficulty to the reopening.
A stretch of it did. I have a vague memory of going to the Dart Valley Railway as a kid just before the line was severed at Buckfastleigh. Some argue there's space alongside the road to relay track which could rejoin the original formation nearer Ashburton. Looking at Google maps, it doesn't look very feasible to me, with a couple of junctions off the A38 adding to the 'fun'. A lot of expense for little economic gain - and it's an established heritage line.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Red Squirrel on July 01, 2020, 19:25:33
This came up on the forum a few years ago when the old Ashburton train station featured in a local masterplan:

Friends of Ashburton Station have a website which doesn't appear to have been updated for a while, and a more active Facebook page which talks about some of these issues:

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: johnneyw on July 02, 2020, 12:03:30
Reopening Ashburton to Buckfastleigh is also among the proposals, apparently.

Frustratingly, I can't find any details (on any)...

I thought the section between Ahburton and Buckfastleigh became part of the enlarged A38, which would add a degree of difficulty to the reopening.

I have heard somewhere that part of the A38 enlargement plans included passive provision for the line to reach Ashburton again (even if by some deviation) and that this was provided by a stretch of widened embankment by the road. If so, it does seem to represent passive provision at it's lowest, token level.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Kernow Otter on July 03, 2020, 07:02:08
Lostwithiel to Fowey was not successful this round.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on July 11, 2020, 08:16:16
Does anyone know if the list will be/has been made public at some point and/or what other schemes in GW-land are on it?

No immediate list, but question has been asked.

From Business Live (

Listing the second batch ... and not sure what the definition of "South West" is.   I suspect it does not include Wiltshire, nor the Southampton area, where I am pretty sure of a couple of applications.

The 18 South West bids

Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Junction Railway
Bristol West Capacity Enhancement
Charfield Station
Cirencester Community Rail Project
Goodrington and Churston Stations
Improvements at Pilning station and reinstating the footbridge to platform 2
Increased service provision Bodmin General – Bodmin Parkway
Light railway extension to the Barnstaple Branch (Chivenor Braunton) “TawLink”
Mid Cornwall Metro
New Station for Langport and Somerton Area
Primrose Line
Project Wareham – Complete the link
Radstock railway reinstatement
Reinstatement of Bodmin – Wadebridge railway and associated works
Restoring secondary services on the Great Western Main line
Shepton Mallet (Mendip Vale)
St Anne's Park station
Transforming the Newquay Line

List sorted into alphabetic order to avoid any hint of meaningful categorisation.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on July 11, 2020, 08:37:44
Further link from Rail Business Daily (

This funding is split into 3 categories to ensure we can support different projects at different phases of development. The 3 categories are:
* the Ideas Fund, to restore rail services (other than rail station creation or restoration)
* accelerating existing proposals, to increase development of a previously submitted rail proposals
* proposals for new or restored rail stations

The list of bids to the second round of the ‘Ideas Fund’ are:

the North West are:
the South Fylde Line Passing Loop
Kenyon Junction Station
reopening Golborne Railway Station
reinstatement of Bolton-Radcliffe / Bolton-Bury
reinstating Beeston Castle and Tarporley railway station
reopening of Midge Hall Station
re-doubling of the Mid Cheshire Line between Stockport and Altrincham and associated station reopening’s
the Stockport to Ashton Line
the Glazebrook Junction to Skelton Junction
the East Didsbury to Stockport
the North East are:
Consett – Newcastle Connection
Ferryhill Restoration

the East are:
reopening of the Wymondham-Dereham line
King’s Lynn to Hunstanton Railway

Yorkshire and Humber, are:
the reinstatement of the Beverley to York rail line
the restoration of a daily train service on the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway
the Upper Wensleydale Railway
restoring Passenger Rail to the Sheaf Valley
restoring a South Humber Link
the South Yorkshire Joint Railway
a new station at Waverley

the Midlands are:
reopening the Stratford upon Avon to Honeybourne-Worcester/Oxford (SWO) Railway Line
increasing stopping services at Radcliffe-on-Trent and Bottesford stations on the Poacher line between Grantham and Nottingham
increasing services to Nottingham and Leicester, via Syston and Loughborough from Melton Mowbray
reconnecting Ashfield Communities through the Maid Marian Line

South West are:
the Shepton Mallet (Mendip Vale)
the Radstock railway reinstatement
St Anne’s Park station
Primrose Line
transforming the Newquay Line
Mid-Cornwall Metro
the restoring of secondary services on the Great Western Main line
Goodrington and Churston Stations
a new station for Langport and Somerton area
Charfield Station
reinstatement of Bodmin to Wadebridge railway and associated works
increasing service provision Bodmin General – Bodmin Parkway
Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Junction Railway
Bristol West Capacity Enhancement
Light railway extension to the Barnstaple Branch (Chivenor Braunton) “TawLink”
the Cirencester Community Rail Project
Project Wareham – Complete the link
improvement of railway services at Pilning station, as well as reinstating the footbridge to platform 2

the South East are:
The Arundel Chord
the re-opening of Camberwell Station, London SE5
the unlocking of capacity and services through Bramley (Hants)
the Chinnor Railway Aston Rowant extension
the Carshalton Beeches step-free access

Wales are:
the Magor and Undy Walkway Station
restoring services on the Anglesey Central Railway between Gaerwen and Amlych

I searched for "the restoring of secondary services on the Great Western Main line"  and came to

Wiltshire Council has made a submission (sponsored by Michelle Donelan MP) to the 2nd tranche of the Department for Transport’s (DfT’s) Restoring Your Railway Ideas Fund. An expression of interest on restoring secondary train services to the Great Western Main Line was submitted on 22 May and the full submission (for appropriate initial study work to be undertaken) was sent on 19 June 2020.

As well as improving connectivity between Bristol to Oxford (and potentially further east) this would help realise new stations at Corsham and Royal Wootton Bassett / Swindon West. It would also potentially help realise new stations at Swindon East, Grove (Oxfordshire), Saltford and St Anne’s Park (West of England).

It is anticipated that the DfT will make an announcement on the submission in 6 – 8 weeks.

We will keep this page updated with any progress.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: ellendune on July 11, 2020, 08:58:36
Reinstatement of Bury or Radcliffe to Bolton is going to be tricky - several major incursions onto the routes.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: CyclingSid on July 12, 2020, 07:49:14
the unlocking of capacity and services through Bramley (Hants)

Went through Bramley (Hants) yesterday. Both Basingstoke ends of the platforms closed off and preparation for building work. Are they going to install a bridge and lifts? With the level crossing the other end of the platforms it would not have struck me as the greatest priority (but I don't know the rules/guidelines).

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: stuving on July 12, 2020, 10:40:33
the unlocking of capacity and services through Bramley (Hants)

Went through Bramley (Hants) yesterday. Both Basingstoke ends of the platforms closed off and preparation for building work. Are they going to install a bridge and lifts? With the level crossing the other end of the platforms it would not have struck me as the greatest priority (but I don't know the rules/guidelines).

No. Platform extensions for the introduction of 769s.

Bramley is one of those places with a very active (very) local council, so it even has an up-to-date village webs site (! This includes NR's notice of this work (, saying it should have finished by now (but it does have a Covid-19 caveat). It also has a piece (undated, and as far as I can see unlinked to) about the level crossing (, explaining that Network Rail (NR) don't rate it as needing closure or even a Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRM)-compliant replacement. In any case there isn't room for those huge ramps, so it's a cheapo bridge (£850,000) with steps or nothing. Since that would only benefit fit and impatient pedestrians, it was concluded it was probably not worth the trouble.

Edit: VickiS - Clarifying Acronyms

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Robin Summerhill on July 12, 2020, 13:14:56 it's a cheapo bridge (£850,000) with steps or nothing.

Is this an oxymoron?

Bearing in mind that the labour and material costs to build a couple of 5-bed detachd houses would be less than that,  I would be very interested to see the Bills of Qantities to see what materials are going into it. There must be some gold-plating somewhere...

Either that or something serious needs to be done about Network Rail's (NR) costs, which ultimately we are all paying for.

Edit:VickiS - Clarifying Acronyms

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Hal on July 13, 2020, 09:31:00
Oxford Mail reports today that reopening Wantage Road station is on the shortlist for consideration as part of this scheme.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: TonyK on July 13, 2020, 11:26:07
Oxford Mail reports today that reopening Wantage Road station is on the shortlist for consideration as part of this scheme.

Good news. This was suggested in the "Connecting Communities" report of 2009.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: paul7575 on July 13, 2020, 19:11:50
Surely this isn’t a “shortlist” yet, with the 50 items intended to be severely trimmed by Department for Transport (DfT) & Network Rail (NR)?   ???


Edit:VickiS - Clarifying Acronyms

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Andy on July 15, 2020, 09:58:59
Does anyone know if the list will be/has been made public at some point and/or what other schemes in GW-land are on it?

No immediate list, but question has been asked.

From Business Live (

Listing the second batch ... and not sure what the definition of "South West" is.   I suspect it does not include Wiltshire, nor the Southampton area, where I am pretty sure of a couple of applications.

The 18 South West bids

Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Junction Railway
Bristol West Capacity Enhancement
Charfield Station
Cirencester Community Rail Project
Goodrington and Churston Stations
Improvements at Pilning station and reinstating the footbridge to platform 2
Increased service provision Bodmin General – Bodmin Parkway
Light railway extension to the Barnstaple Branch (Chivenor Braunton) “TawLink”
Mid Cornwall Metro
New Station for Langport and Somerton Area
Primrose Line
Project Wareham – Complete the link
Radstock railway reinstatement
Reinstatement of Bodmin – Wadebridge railway and associated works
Restoring secondary services on the Great Western Main line
Shepton Mallet (Mendip Vale)
St Anne's Park station
Transforming the Newquay Line

List sorted into alphabetic order to avoid any hint of meaningful categorisation.

Apart from the unclear "restoring secondary services on the GWML", there are a couple of other titles that aren't very informative. Does anyone know what the "Mid Cornwall metro" proposal is about or what the Newquay line transformation project contains?

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Celestial on July 15, 2020, 10:57:50

Apart from the unclear "restoring secondary services on the GWML", there are a couple of other titles that aaren't very informative. Does anyone know what the "Mid Cornwall metro" proposal is about or what the Newquay line transformation project contains?
Metro seems to be becoming a misused term to big up a local transport network that is nothing like one.  To me, a Metro is a very frequent metropolitan area (clue is in the name) rapid transport network with stops every couple of minutes. Turn up and go should be the norm.

As an example, we have the South Wales Metro, which is probably just about believable as a term, given the frequencies and type of vehicle involved. But then as a sop to North Wales, there has to be a North Wales Metro, which unless I'm mistaken will be nothing more than a normal decent (hopefully) train service.

The Mid Cornwall Metro I'm guessing will fall into the latter category, though I'll admit I know no more than that about it.


Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Andy on July 15, 2020, 11:36:54

Apart from the unclear "restoring secondary services on the GWML", there are a couple of other titles that aaren't very informative. Does anyone know what the "Mid Cornwall metro" proposal is about or what the Newquay line transformation project contains?
Metro seems to be becoming a misused term to big up a local transport network that is nothing like one.  To me, a Metro is a very frequent metropolitan area (clue is in the name) rapid transport network with stops every couple of minutes. Turn up and go should be the norm.

As an example, we have the South Wales Metro, which is probably just about believable as a term, given the frequencies and type of vehicle involved. But then as a sop to North Wales, there has to be a North Wales Metro, which unless I'm mistaken will be nothing more than a normal decent (hopefully) train service.

The Mid Cornwall Metro I'm guessing will fall into the latter category, though I'll admit I know no more than that about it.


Yes! With the improved frequency of mainline services already in place, and the Falmouth branch pretty much at max. capacity, I am struggling to imagine what  a Mid Cornwall metro could mean. I wonder if it might be an alternative proposal to 'transform' Newquay line services.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Lee on July 15, 2020, 16:02:50

"Tell me, it is your proposal, isn't it?"

"You've been working on it for 7 years."

"For the last time, what is the Mid Cornwall Metro??"

"I don't know! Nobody Knows!!"

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on July 16, 2020, 10:06:43


Yes! With the improved frequency of mainline services already in place, and the Falmouth branch pretty much at max. capacity, I am struggling to imagine what  a Mid Cornwall metro could mean. I wonder if it might be an alternative proposal to 'transform' Newquay line services.

Burngullow to St Dennis Junction, train service every 30 minute from Falmouth Docks to Newquay with a St Austell reversal and new stations at Probus, Grampound Road, Burngullow and Treliscoe?

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: TonyK on July 16, 2020, 11:38:18
Metro seems to be becoming a misused term to big up a local transport network that is nothing like one.  To me, a Metro is a very frequent metropolitan area (clue is in the name) rapid transport network with stops every couple of minutes. Turn up and go should be the norm.

Nowhere is the term more misused than in Bristol, with MetroBust. It acquired the name when the previous BRT brand, for Bust Rapid Transit, got too toxic. Someone will have to come up with a new branding. The idea of adding "Plus" to the end was killed off by Jobcentre Plus - I worked there, and never spotted the difference. "Mega" has gone to the cheap coaches run by Stagecoach. "Super" is right out.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Red Squirrel on July 16, 2020, 12:15:05
Don't get me started. Oh, sorry, you did...

At least these other non-metropolitan metros contain the name of the place they serve. MetroBus could be anywhere in the world; indeed if you google it you'll find systems with this name in Australia and the USA as well as others in the U.K. Why? Because Bristol's neighbours will not allow the word 'Bristol' to be used in connection with any system which extends beyond the limited boundaries of the city.

Accepting thus that the name 'Greater Bristol Metro' is an impossibility, you might think that the local rail initiative for this region would be called MetroRail. That would seem like a logical companion to MetroBus, wouldn't it? Quite. Hence MetroWest, which could be anywhere or anything.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: RichardB on July 16, 2020, 13:41:04
"Mid Cornwall Metro" is about linking Newquay, St Austell, Truro and Falmouth.  Cornwall Council also want to look at what's next for the Falmouth line.  It doesn't include Burngullow - it's just too expensive for now.

The Newquay proposals are about the capacity improvements needed to increase frequency on the existing line with an hourly service being the ultimate objective - reinstating a second platform at Newquay in the mix. 

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on July 16, 2020, 13:53:14
"Mid Cornwall Metro" is about linking Newquay, St Austell, Truro and Falmouth.  Cornwall Council also want to look at what's next for the Falmouth line.  It doesn't include Burngullow - it's just too expensive for now.

The Newquay proposals are about the capacity improvements needed to increase frequency on the existing line with an hourly service being the ultimate objective - reinstating a second platform at Newquay in the mix. 

Many thanks, Richard - they saying "Google is your friend" came to mind for researching this one, but in this instance I found it not to be my friend (or if it was my friend, it was of the silent, secret-keeping type).

The elements being further evaluated or proposed for further evaluation look and sound utterly logical.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: CyclingSid on July 17, 2020, 07:00:12
Because Bristol's neighbours will not allow the word 'Bristol' to be used in connection with any system which extends beyond the limited boundaries of the city.

Substitute "Reading" and it sounds like the same harmonious relations between Reading and its neighbours.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: eightonedee on July 17, 2020, 11:10:59
Or (all too often) almost any local authority area and its neighbours, especially when the local authority in question is a large town or city.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: TonyK on July 17, 2020, 14:23:52
Or (all too often) almost any local authority area and its neighbours, especially when the local authority in question is a large town or city.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, ends today's special topic: "Why didn't Bristol get trams back?"

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: TonyK on July 17, 2020, 21:00:03
At least these other non-metropolitan metros contain the name of the place they serve. MetroBus could be anywhere in the world; indeed if you google it you'll find systems with this name in Australia and the USA as well as others in the U.K.

I saw this one in Buenos Aires.


The busway is a dual carriageway in the middle of a road that adds another 8 lanes.  We walked alongside for quite a while, without seeing more than one or two buses. I had assumed that 9 July was an important day in the Argentine calendar, but maybe that's when the bus runs, and I was there in a February. Apparently, there are plans for a real metro. Also, it seemed to follow the route of the railway into General Belgrano station.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Red Squirrel on July 18, 2020, 01:04:52
Hadn't occurred to me until now that it's a bit eccentric to name a ship after a general. I mean, you wouldn't have a Nelson Tank or a bomber called a Guderian...

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: onthecushions on July 18, 2020, 08:02:48

Racking the memory, I think there were WW1 battleships named "Iron Duke" and "Marlborough". There were WW2 aircraft classes named "Wellesley" and "Wellington" and "Anson", also "Hampden".

Doubt if it scared the Germans, although the "Whitley" might have if they'd been to that area of Reading.


Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Lee on July 18, 2020, 08:33:00

Racking the memory, I think there were WW1 battleships named "Iron Duke" and "Marlborough". There were WW2 aircraft classes named "Wellesley" and "Wellington" and "Anson", also "Hampden".

Doubt if it scared the Germans, although the "Whitley" might have if they'd been to that area of Reading.


I had to re-read that "Whitley" quote - I thought for a moment that you were referring to Da North Melksham Massive...

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Andy on July 18, 2020, 14:53:11
"Mid Cornwall Metro" is about linking Newquay, St Austell, Truro and Falmouth.  Cornwall Council also want to look at what's next for the Falmouth line.  It doesn't include Burngullow - it's just too expensive for now.

The Newquay proposals are about the capacity improvements needed to increase frequency on the existing line with an hourly service being the ultimate objective - reinstating a second platform at Newquay in the mix. 
Thanks Richard. I scoured, Google, too, but could find no information. An integrated 'coast-to-coast' service linking the towns mentioned - and not to forget Penryn - would make a lot of sense, especially in summer.
Do you have any idea of the lines of thought concerning 'what's next' for the Falmouth line?


Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: onthecushions on July 18, 2020, 19:40:52

It doesn't include Burngullow - it's just too expensive for now.

This must represent the most extreme case of lack of enterprise and ambition, when compared with the other 59 bids.


Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Bmblbzzz on July 18, 2020, 20:00:36

Accepting thus that the name 'Greater Bristol Metro' is an impossibility, ...
They could have called it "WecaBus" but that sounds a bit too much like "wicker man".

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: stuving on July 18, 2020, 20:02:18

Accepting thus that the name 'Greater Bristol Metro' is an impossibility, ...
They could have called it "WecaBus" but that sounds a bit too much like "wicker man".

Sounds more like "WeakerBus" to me.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: johnneyw on July 18, 2020, 20:14:59

Accepting thus that the name 'Greater Bristol Metro' is an impossibility, ...
They could have called it "WecaBus" but that sounds a bit too much like "wicker man".

Sounds more like "WeakerBus" to me.

That sounds about right then!

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: TonyK on July 18, 2020, 21:06:51
Hadn't occurred to me until now that it's a bit eccentric to name a ship after a general. I mean, you wouldn't have a Nelson Tank or a bomber called a Guderian...

My personal favourite is on the other side of the Andes, where the current maritime bearer of the name of founding father Bernardo O'Higgins is a submarine.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on July 19, 2020, 09:04:53

It doesn't include Burngullow - it's just too expensive for now.

This must represent the most extreme case of lack of enterprise and ambition, when compared with the other 59 bids.


It could also be a very clever, sensible move - bidding within a core case rather than adding elements that would be nice but perhaps with "good" rather than "excellent" cases.  Keep it as a smaller, realistic and sharper project and avoid mission creep, avoid having elements on the periphery that can derail the whole project, and avoid justifications which make the whole thing look overoptimistic.  Just make sure that the plan does not rule out a station at Burngullow (or whatever it is) in the future.

I'm looking at sad examples of mission creep ... "it could have been built by now if we had gone with the original plans" and adding in elements ... "how has the price gone from £5 million to £18 million" and if the funders on this project are re-assured there's less chance of such things cropping up, there's more chance they will choose it.   This outside runner just could be a surprise that crosses the finishing line in one of the promotion places.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: onthecushions on July 19, 2020, 10:41:36

I hope that you are right.

I understand that "Burngullow" refers to a long standing (this is the West Country) proposal to relay c3km of line from St Dennis to the former St Dennis Jn to allow a direct Newquay  - St Austell service, rather than just the main line connection at Par. Student access to Cornwall College is an issue. A hobbyhorse of mine is that local schemes benefit more people than prestige projects which produce headlines and sound-bites.

There look to be less worthy schemes with higher priority.


Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Red Squirrel on July 19, 2020, 11:22:26

There look to be less worthy schemes with higher priority.

In railways, as in all other aspects of life, you don't get what you deserve - you get what you can negotiate!

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: RichardB on July 19, 2020, 11:49:41

I hope that you are right.

I understand that "Burngullow" refers to a long standing (this is the West Country) proposal to relay c3km of line from St Dennis to the former St Dennis Jn to allow a direct Newquay  - St Austell service, rather than just the main line connection at Par. Student access to Cornwall College is an issue. A hobbyhorse of mine is that local schemes benefit more people than prestige projects which produce headlines and sound-bites.

There look to be less worthy schemes with higher priority.


Yes, you're right.  That's what I mean by "Burngullow".   The aim now is to see what needs to be done to provide an attractive service on the branch line to Par and via Par to St Austell etc.  As I understand it (don't shoot the messenger!), the Burngullow - Parkandillack route would essentially need rebuilding to make it fit for passenger trains.  It's not just a case of rebuilding the missing bit. 

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: RichardB on July 19, 2020, 11:52:24
"Mid Cornwall Metro" is about linking Newquay, St Austell, Truro and Falmouth.  Cornwall Council also want to look at what's next for the Falmouth line.  It doesn't include Burngullow - it's just too expensive for now.

The Newquay proposals are about the capacity improvements needed to increase frequency on the existing line with an hourly service being the ultimate objective - reinstating a second platform at Newquay in the mix. 
Thanks Richard. I scoured, Google, too, but could find no information. An integrated 'coast-to-coast' service linking the towns mentioned - and not to forget Penryn - would make a lot of sense, especially in summer.
Do you have any idea of the lines of thought concerning 'what's next' for the Falmouth line?


Absolutely, Andy.  On the Falmouth line, it's looking at, for example, what would be needed to go to a more frequent service still (e.g. maybe a loop at Perranwell) and whether a potential new park and ride station at Ponsanooth would be feasible.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Andy on July 20, 2020, 15:19:42
Thank you, Richard.  That is very interesting.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: MVR S&T on July 25, 2020, 17:56:32
There is to be a pasenger train to run to Fawley:
South Western Railway (SWR) operated Fawley Branch train this coming Tuesday 28th.

from :

A VIP/press special perhaps.

Edit:VickiS - Clarifying Acronyms

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on July 28, 2020, 11:06:11
There is to be a pasenger train to run to Fawley:
SWR operated Fawley Branch train this coming Tuesday 28th.

from :

A VIP/press special perhaps.

I did a little research ... got enigmatic answers which suggest that it was a test of some sort that was not supposed to have got any prior public attention.   This morning described as a "test train" within

With open data sources, it's kinda hard to run secret trains now.  Has also put an end to "Mystex"

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: IndustryInsider on July 28, 2020, 11:44:24
I wish the Fawley reintroduction luck. 

No immediate need to get excited though as it's nearly six years since Chiltern ran a VIP special over the Cowley branch in Oxford with a lot of talk since, but no construction work on the stations or a committed start date yet.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: stuving on July 28, 2020, 13:41:40
There is to be a pasenger train to run to Fawley:
SWR operated Fawley Branch train this coming Tuesday 28th.

from :

A VIP/press special perhaps.

I did a little research ... got enigmatic answers which suggest that it was a test of some sort that was not supposed to have got any prior public attention.   This morning described as a "test train" within

With open data sources, it's kinda hard to run secret trains now.  Has also put an end to "Mystex"

There was a brief item on this on the local TV news at lunchtime - just sound bites from Peter Hendy and Mark Hopwood. No doubt Paul Clifton's longer piece will be on South Today tonight.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on July 28, 2020, 14:20:03
There was a brief item on this on the local TV news at lunchtime - just sound bites from Peter Hendy and Mark Hopwood. No doubt Paul Clifton's longer piece will be on South Today tonight.


Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on July 28, 2020, 18:38:01
Press Release from SWR (

Today, South Western Railway ran a special ‘fact-finding’ train, to investigate the potential re-opening of the Fawley branch line in Hampshire, after more than 50 years since regular passenger services ceased.

The special service follows a successful submission to the Department for Transport’s ‘Restoring your Railway Fund’ by Hampshire County Council. This funding will allow Hampshire County Council to carry out a feasibility study into reopening the line for passenger services once more.

The service became possible through cooperation between South Western Railway and Network Rail, who had to cut back undergrowth, test condition of the track, and prepare the train crew.

Boarding the train was Rail Minister, Chris Heaton-Harris; Network Rail Chair, Sir Peter Hendy; and representatives from Hampshire County Council and Southampton City Council.

Also joining the train was Nick Farthing, Chair of Three Rivers Community Rail Partnership, who have long campaigned for the opening of the line.

Whilst there is still work to be done before passenger services can resume, the national focus in expanding the rail network by utilising disused lines, provides hope that a return of services for this part of Hampshire maybe a step-closer to reality, helping to reconnect communities and promote public transport.

Rail Minister Chris Heaton-Harris said: “It is almost precisely 95 years since the line between Southampton and Fawley opened. Yet, due to the Beeching cuts, the last time passengers were able to travel this line England were lifting the Jules Rimet.

“While we can’t guarantee sporting supremacy again, we’ve been absolutely clear that we are determined to reconnect communities and level up infrastructure across the country. Taking steps towards restoring passenger journeys on lines like this demonstrates that commitment.

“The progress towards developing a business case for this restoration is testament to the energy and enthusiasm of local campaigners, and I share the passion they and other communities have to reopen and restore local lines.” 

Mark Hopwood, Managing Director of South Western Railway said: “Branch lines are vital to connect local communities, with many now out of use. Exploring the possibility of reopening disused lines for rail passengers is vital for us to reconnect our communities again.”

Network Rail Chair Sir Peter Hendy said: “Railways have a huge role to play in building environmentally-sustainable economic and social development and places like Marchwood, where the railway is still in place, are perfect examples of where we can help local communities grow. It’s great to see a passenger train down this line again and this has been a really useful event for our partners to understand what we might have to do to bring trains back permanently.”

Councillor Rob Humby, Deputy Leader of Hampshire County Council and Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Environment, said: “Hampshire County Council was very pleased that our bid to the Department for Transport’s restoring Your railways Fund was successful and we now look forward to working with the Department for Transport, Network Rail and stakeholders to review the evidence and undertake a business case for re-introducing passenger rail services on the Waterside line.”

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: RichardB on July 28, 2020, 23:38:24
Quite a coup this!

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: CyclingSid on August 05, 2020, 09:46:19
New Forest National Park Authority (NFNPA) approves Fawley Waterside (
"new community including 1,500 homes, 96,500 square metres of new commercial, civic and employment space, with a canal and dock and a boat stack."
"The development will be served by a new access off the B3053."
No mention of a rail link, missed opportunity or lack of communication?

Edit:VickiS - Clarifying abbreviation

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on February 25, 2021, 14:00:12
'Reinstatement' of the Clitheroe - Hellifield Line is a bit disingenuous, or at least over-egged. There is a extant and used two track railway between those two towns with a Sunday passenger service. Maybe a reinstatement of weekday passenger service - hopefully with reopening of some intermediate stations - long closed.

Reinstatement of the nearby Colne - Skipton route - closed by Barbara Castle, not Richard Beeching - would be a proper and useful reinstatement.

From the Craven Herald (

Settle and Carlisle railway group backs proposals for new train service to Manchester

A PUBLIC consultation on the possibility of the Manchester to Clitheroe train service being extended to Hellifield and on to the Settle and Carlisle line as far as Garsdale, is being strongly supported by a rail user group.

A bid by the Ribble Valley Borough Council into the Department for Transport’s ‘Restoring Your Railway’ fund, has passed the first hurdle, and a strategic outline business case is now being developed by a consultancy on behalf of the council.

While the study’s basic remit is to examine extending Clitheroe services to Hellifield, the public consultation asks for views on other options, such as running a new daily service from Preston to Hellifield, and extending trains beyond Hellifield, whether to Settle and Garsdale or to Skipton.

Annual "ask a stupid question" day isn't until 28th September (2021) - so I'm going to jump in now and ask about the Colne to Skipton proposal and ask if Colne to Skipton and Clitheroe to Hellifield have overlapping (potential) passenger flows and to some extent compete with each other??

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Oxonhutch on February 25, 2021, 15:57:24
Annual "ask a stupid question" day isn't until 28th September (2021) - so I'm going to jump in now and ask about the Colne to Skipton proposal and ask if Colne to Skipton and Clitheroe to Hellifield have overlapping (potential) passenger flows and to some extent compete with each other??

They don't really compete- rather they would compliment. The Clitheroe route taps traffic to the north on the S&C into the Yorkshire Dales. The Colne - Skipton taps into traffic across the Pennines to the east. `Yes they both hit the same bit of ex-Midland Railway but far apart in different directions and would facilitate flows in three different directions simultaneously.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on March 15, 2021, 15:29:49
Listing of all bids (all three tranches) here (, .pdf mirror here (

Scheme Name,Scheme Region,Ideas Fund Round,,,,
To reinstate the Peaks and Dales Railway,East Midlands,1,,,,
To reintroduce passenger services on the Leicester to Burton (Ivanhoe) line,East Midlands,1,,,,
To reinstate the Maldon to Witham line,East of England,1,,,,
To reinstate the passing loop between St Albans Abbey and Watford Junction (Abbey Line),East of England,1,,,,
To enhance services between Morpeth and Berwick,North East,1,,,,
To reintroduce passenger services to former freight alignment to link existing Metro lines at Cobalt,North East,1,,,,
To open a new station at Gilsland-Tyne Valley Line,North East,1,,,,
To open a new station to serve the village of Belford-Northumberland,North East,1,,,,
To reinstate the Bensham Curve and freight line,North East,1,,,,
To reinstate the Leamside South of Tyne & Wearside Loop,North East,1,,,,
To reinstate Glazebrook Junction to Skelton Junction,North West,1,,,,
To reinstate the Walkden to Bolton line,North West,1,,,,
To introduce an orbital passenger rail route between Stockport and Ashton,North West,1,,,,
To reinstate the Keswick to Penrith Railway,North West,1,,,,
To reinstate the Burscough Curves,North West,1,,,,
To re-double from Oldham Mumps to Grotton Greenfield,North West,1,,,,
"To reinstate the Rose Hill (Marple) to Maple Grove Line, Stockport",North West,1,,,,
To reinstate the Bolton-Radcliffe and Bolton to Bury lines,North West,1,,,,
To reinstate the East Didsbury to Stockport line,North West,1,,,,
To reconnect stations in the Rossendale Valley area,North West,1,,,,
"To re-double the mid-Cheshire line, Altrincham-Stockport",North West,1,,,,
To repurpose the Warrington to Stockport line,North West,1,,,,
To reinstate the Bury-Heywood-Rochdale lines,North West,1,,,,
To reintroduce passenger services between Clitheroe and Hellifield and explore freight options,North West,1,,,,
To operate Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) along former rail alignment,South East,1,,,,
To re-open the Lewis to Uckfield & Tunbridge Wells to Eridge/Ashurst - Brighton Main Line,South East,1,,,,
To reinstate the branch lines on the Isle of Wight,South East,1,,,,
To introduce passenger services on the Totton-Fawley (Waterside) line,South East,1,,,,
To reinstate the Helston Railway Link,South West,1,,,,
To double-track majority of Thingly Junction to Bradford Junction,South West,1,,,,
To re-open Stonehouse Bristol Road,South West,1,,,,
To extend the light railway to the Barnstable Branch (Chivenor Braunton),South West,1,,,,
To extend the Lostwithiel to Carne Point (Fowey) rail line,South West,1,,,,
To restore the Newton Abbot to Heathfield railway link,South West,1,,,,
To re-open the Tavistock-Okehampton line,South West,1,,,,
To reinstate the Cirencester-Kemble line,South West,1,,,,
To re-open the Sharpness branch line,South West,1,,,,
To restore the line to Gravity innovation campus,South West,1,,,,
To reinstate rail access to Devizes via a new station at Lydeway,South West,1,,,,
To re-open the Wellington and Cullompton Railway,South West,1,,,,
To introduce a Westbury Station Hub,South West,1,,,,
To re-open the Stoke-Leek line,West Midlands,1,,,,
To reinstate the rail sidings at the former Ironbridge Power Station,West Midlands,1,,,,
To reinstate the Oswestry to Gobowen line (Cambrian Heritage Railways) ,West Midlands,1,,,,
To reinstate pax service on the currently freight only branch line between Stourbridge and Brierly Hill,West Midlands,1,,,,
To re-open Pontrilas station,West Midlands,1,,,,
To re-open stations on the Sutton Park line,West Midlands,1,,,,
To re-open a Tettenhall area station,West Midlands,1,,,,
To open a new station at Galley Common (Nuneaton),West Midlands,1,,,,
To reinstate pax services on Lichfield-Alrewas-Burton-on-Trent rail line,West Midlands,1,,,,
"To open new stations at Foleshill, Coundon Road & Biley/Willenhall",West Midlands,1,,,,
To reinstate Etruria station,West Midlands,1,,,,
To re-open the Meir station between Stoke-On-Trent and North Staffordshire,West Midlands,1,,,,
To open new stations at Castle Bromwich and Fort Parkway,West Midlands,1,,,,
To reinstate the line for Barnsley to Wakefield via Royston - North Midland Railway,Yorkshire and Humberside,1,,,,
To operate regular local passenger services over the Doncaster-Askern line,Yorkshire and Humberside,1,,,,
To reinstate the Wortley Curve,Yorkshire and Humberside,1,,,,
To introduce passenger services between Sheffield and Stocksbridge on freight route,Yorkshire and Humberside,1,,,,
To introduce passenger services on the Barrow Hill line between Sheffield and Chesterfield,Yorkshire and Humberside,1,,,,
To increase stopping services at Radcliffe-on-Trent and Bottesford stations on the Poacher line between Grantham and Nottingham,East Midlands,2,,,,
"To increase services to Nottingham and Leicester, via Syston and Loughborough from Melton Mowbray",East Midlands,2,,,,
To re-open the Wymondham-Dereham line,East of England,2,,,,
To reinstate the King’s Lynn to Hunstanton Railway,East of England,2,,,,
To introduce a new fixed public transit transport system between Consett and Newcastle,North East,2,,,,
To re-open a station at Ferryhill,North East,2,,,,
To introduce a passing loop and associated signaling to the South Fylde line,North West,2,,,,
To open a two platform railway station at Kenyon Junction station,North West,2,,,,
To re-open Golborne Railway Station,North West,2,,,,
To reinstate the Bolton-Radcliffe / Bolton-Bury,North West,2,,,,
To reinstate the Beeston Castle and Tarporley railway station,North West,2,,,,
To re-open Midge Hall Station,North West,2,,,,
To re-double the Mid Cheshire Line between Stockport and Altrincham and associated station reopenings,North West,2,,,,
To re-double the Stockport to Ashton Line,North West,2,,,,
To reinstate passenger services between Glazebrook Junction and Skelton Junction,North West,2,,,,
To introduce a Metrolink/Tram Train service extending the existing service from East Didsbury to Stockport,North West,2,,,,
To restore the rail connection between Horsham to Worthing with a chord approximately 1km in length,South East,2,,,,
"To re-open Camberwell Station, London SE5",South East,2,,,,
To unlock capacity and services through Bramley (Hants),South East,2,,,,
To reinstate the dismantled railway between Oakley and the former Aston Rowant station,South East,2,,,,
To introduce step free access at the Carshalton Beeches,South East,2,,,,
To open a Wantage and Grove Station and associated train service,South East,2,,,,
To introduce a passenger service to Shepton Mallet in Somerset,South West,2,,,,
To reinstate the Radstock railway,South West,2,,,,
To re-open the former St Anne’s Park railway station on the Great Western Main Line from Bristol Temple Meads towards Bath,South West,2,,,,
To re-open the Primrose Line ,South West,2,,,,
To enhance services on the Newquay Line,South West,2,,,,
To support frequency enhancements to Falmouth ,South West,2,,,,
To restore secondary services on the Great Western Main line,South West,2,,,,
To re-open the Goodrington and Churston Stations,South West,2,,,,
To open a new station for Langport and Somerton area,South West,2,,,,
To open Charfield Station,South West,2,,,,
To reinstate Bodmin to Wadebridge railway and associated work,South West,2,,,,
To reinstate the Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Junction Railway,South West,2,,,,
To enhance Bristol West capacity,South West,2,,,,
To extend Light railway to the Barnstaple Branch (Chivenor Braunton) “TawLink”,South West,2,,,,
"To restore the rail link and establish a safe cycle path between Cirencester, the University and Kemble",South West,2,,,,
To introduce a heritage line and potentially a year-round passenger service between Swanage and Wareham,South West,2,,,,
"To improve railway services at Pilning station, as well as to reinstate the footbridge to platform 2",South West,2,,,,
To increase service provision from Bodmin General to Bodmin Parkway,South West,2,,,,
To open a station in Magor and Undy in South Monmouthshire,Wales,2,,,,
To restore services on the Anglesey Central Railway between Gaerwen and Amlch,Wales,2,,,,
To reconnect Ashfield Communities through the Maid Marian Line,West Midlands,2,,,,
To re-open the Stratford upon Avon to Honeybourne-Worcester/Oxford (SWO) Railway Line,West Midlands,2,,,,
To reinstate the Beverley to York rail line,Yorkshire and Humberside,2,,,,
To restore a daily train service on the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway,Yorkshire and Humberside,2,,,,
To reinstate the Upper Wensleydale Railway,Yorkshire and Humberside,2,,,,
To restore passenger rail to the Sheaf Valley,Yorkshire and Humberside,2,,,,
To restore a South Humber Link,Yorkshire and Humberside,2,,,,
To reinstate the South Yorkshire Joint Railway,Yorkshire and Humberside,2,,,,
To open a new station at Waverley,Yorkshire and Humberside,2,,,,
Mablethorpe,East Midlands,3,,,,
Reconnecting Ruddington,East Midlands,3,,,,
Reinstatement of the line between Bedford and Northampton,East Midlands,3,,,,
Firsby - Louth,East Midlands,3,,,,
Peaks and Dales Line,East Midlands,3,,,,
Cosby to Lutterworth,East Midlands,3,,,,
Reinstatement of Maldon to Witham Line,East of England,3,,,,
To reinstate the King’s Lynn to Hunstanton Railway,East of England,3,,,,
To re-open the Wymondham-Dereham line,East of England,3,,,,
Welland Valley Rail (Kettering-Peterborough-Wisbech),East of England,3,,,,
Re-opening Sawston Station,East of England,3,,,,
Re-opening Harston station,East of England,3,,,,
Haverhill,East of England,3,,,,
Gilsland Station,North East,3,,,,
Newcastle - Berwick-upon-Tweed,North East,3,,,,
Belford Station,North East,3,,,,
The Bishop Line and the Weardale Railway,North East,3,,,,
Reinstatement of Bensham Curve,North East,3,,,,
Reinstatement of Nexus Metro Expansion – Cobalt Business Park Line,North East,3,,,,
Reinstatement of Leamside line (Local Services),North East,3,,,,
Kenyon Junction Station,North West,3,,,,
Pendle,North West,3,,,,
Ledsham Station,North West,3,,,,
East Didsbury to Stockport,North West,3,,,,
Ashton to Stockport Line,North West,3,,,,
The Middlewich Line,North West,3,,,,
Reconnect Rawtenstall and Manchester,North West,3,,,,
Lakes Line,North West,3,,,,
Reinstating Carlisle to Silloth railway,North West,3,,,,
Reintroduce Burscough Curves,North West,3,,,,
Reinstatement of Penrith to Keswick line,North West,3,,,,
To re-open Midge Hall Station,North West,3,,,,
Lewes - Uckfield & Tumbridge Wells - Eridge / Ashurst,South East,3,,,,
Hayling Branch Line,South East,3,,,,
Building a better-connected West Oxfordshire - a transformational project for the wider Oxford economic region,South East,3,,,,
Grove Station,South East,3,,,,
Ludgershall Link,South East,3,,,,
Lynton - Barnstaple Railway,South West,3,,,,
Carn Brea Station,South West,3,,,,
"Barnstaple Branch Line ""Taw Link""",South West,3,,,,
Stonehouse Bristol Road,South West,3,,,,
Marazion Railway Station,South West,3,,,,
Tavistock Okehampton,South West,3,,,,
Bude Okehampton,South West,3,,,,
Saltford Station (Bath & North Somerset),South West,3,,,,
Sharpness Branch Line,South West,3,,,,
Re-instate the Helston Railway Link connecting Helston to the main South West rail line,South West,3,,,,
Wilton Junction Station,South West,3,,,,
To reinstate the Radstock railway,South West,3,,,,
To reinstate the Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Junction Railway,South West,3,,,,
Shepton Mallet to Somerset,South West,3,,,,
Pilning Station Enhancements,South West,3,,,,
Corsham Station,South West,3,,,,
Gravity Site - Bristol to Exeter Mainline Railway,South West,3,,,,
New train service to Bishops Lydeard on the West Somerset Railway.,South West,3,,,,
Extension of the Riviera Line,South West,3,,,,
New station south of Gloucester,South West,3,,,,
Fowey to Lostwithiel,South West,3,,,,
Reopening Brent Station,South West,3,,,,
Tavistock to Plymouth Rail Reinstatement,South West,3,,,,
Bangor - Afonwen Railway,Wales,3,,,,
To restore services on the Anglesey Central Railway between Gaerwen and Amlwch,Wales,3,,,,
Castle Bromwich - Fort Parkway,West Midlands,3,,,,
Newcastle-under-Lyme,West Midlands,3,,,,
Telford Central,West Midlands,3,,,,
Oswestry - Gobowen Line,West Midlands,3,,,,
Etruria Station,West Midlands,3,,,,
Tettenhall area station,West Midlands,3,,,,
Coventry area stations study,West Midlands,3,,,,
The Stourbridge Dasher - Stourbridge - Brierley,West Midlands,3,,,,
Lichfield - Burton on Trent / Derby,West Midlands,3,,,,
Galley Common/Stockingford Station (Nuneaton to Birmingham),West Midlands,3,,,,
Sutton Park Line,West Midlands,3,,,,
Reinstatement of the Stoke-Leek line,West Midlands,3,,,,
Reinstatement of rail sidings at the former Ironbridge Power Station,West Midlands,3,,,,
South Yorkshire Joint Railway,Yorkshire and Humberside,3,,,,
Harrowgate-Ripon-Northallerton,Yorkshire and Humberside,3,,,,
East Ardsley Station,Yorkshire and Humberside,3,,,,
Upper Wensleydale Railway,Yorkshire and Humberside,3,,,,
Boulby Branch Line/Saltburn Line ,Yorkshire and Humberside,3,,,,
Askern Line,Yorkshire and Humberside,3,,,,
Reinstatement of the North Midland Line between Barnsley to Wakefield via Royston,Yorkshire and Humberside,3,,,,
Don Valley Line,Yorkshire and Humberside,3,,,,
Beverley to York Line,Yorkshire and Humberside,3,,,,
Sheaf Valley New Stations and Station Improvements,Yorkshire and Humberside,3,,,,

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Oxonhutch on March 15, 2021, 16:39:43
I see Colne - Skipton didn't even make the cut. That will disappoint many in the Ribble Valley.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: stuving on March 15, 2021, 18:28:34
I see Colne - Skipton didn't even make the cut. That will disappoint many in the Ribble Valley.

What cut? This is a list of bids, so no assessment (other than for compliance with the rules) is implied. And Colne-Skipton was in any case already accepted into the The Rail Network Enhancement Pipeline before the first list of its contents in Autumn 2019. It was shown as having passed the "decision to initiate" gateway and the next would be "decision to develop".  How far it has progressed since then is not known, as the next annual update hasn't come out yet.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: TonyK on March 15, 2021, 19:53:23
I'm baffled by "Redouble Oldham Mumps to Grotton Greenfield", given that the line through Oldham Mumps was de-singled when the Metrolink line opened.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: RichardB on March 15, 2021, 23:42:26
Listing of all bids (all three tranches) here (, .pdf mirror here (

Scheme Name,Scheme Region,Ideas Fund Round,,,,
Lynton - Barnstaple Railway,South West,3,,,,
Carn Brea Station,South West,3,,,,
"Barnstaple Branch Line ""Taw Link""",South West,3,,,,
Stonehouse Bristol Road,South West,3,,,,
Marazion Railway Station,South West,3,,,,
Tavistock Okehampton,South West,3,,,,
Bude Okehampton,South West,3,,,,
Saltford Station (Bath & North Somerset),South West,3,,,,
Sharpness Branch Line,South West,3,,,,
Re-instate the Helston Railway Link connecting Helston to the main South West rail line,South West,3,,,,
Wilton Junction Station,South West,3,,,,
To reinstate the Radstock railway,South West,3,,,,
To reinstate the Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Junction Railway,South West,3,,,,
Shepton Mallet to Somerset,South West,3,,,,
Pilning Station Enhancements,South West,3,,,,
Corsham Station,South West,3,,,,
Gravity Site - Bristol to Exeter Mainline Railway,South West,3,,,,
New train service to Bishops Lydeard on the West Somerset Railway.,South West,3,,,,
Extension of the Riviera Line,South West,3,,,,
New station south of Gloucester,South West,3,,,,
Fowey to Lostwithiel,South West,3,,,,
Reopening Brent Station,South West,3,,,,
Tavistock to Plymouth Rail Reinstatement,South West,3,,,,

Going to be fascinating to see what emerges from the final round of bids to the RYR Fund.  Quite something to see the L & B on there!  No disrespect - I'm a big fan and look forward to visiting later this year.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: CyclingSid on March 16, 2021, 07:54:08
Hayling Branch Line,South East

Presumably with our currant leader that will be a tunnel rather than a bridge.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: ellendune on March 16, 2021, 22:27:09
Hayling Branch Line,South East

Presumably with our currant leader that will be a tunnel rather than a bridge.

He would support it if it was a garden bridge I am sure!

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Kernow Otter on March 16, 2021, 22:30:23
Fowey to Lostwithiel proposal is quite interesting. Park, ride and float.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on July 07, 2021, 06:03:22
From Island Echo (

Island Line could be extended from Sandown to Newport at an initial cost of £67million under initial plans submitted to the Department for Transport by the Isle of Wight Council.

The authority, supported by Island MP Bob Seely, is seeking government support from the ‘Restoring Your Railway’ programme to further develop the case for reinstating some of the Islands’ lost rail links.

The project will aim to reinstate the disused railway line between the Island Line and Newport, via Blackwater, providing a frequent, fast and reliable railway service from Ryde Pier Head to the Island’s county town – albeit following an indirect route.

The original suggestion was utilising the Isle of Wight Steam Railway track from Smallbrook Junction to Wootton and extending it to Newport, but the business case submitted by the Council now looks at reinstating a railway track from Sandown to Blackwater instead. The plan of utilising the Steam Railway has been ruled out on cost and feasibility grounds.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Lee on July 07, 2021, 10:19:44
From Island Echo (

Island Line could be extended from Sandown to Newport at an initial cost of £67million under initial plans submitted to the Department for Transport by the Isle of Wight Council.

The authority, supported by Island MP Bob Seely, is seeking government support from the ‘Restoring Your Railway’ programme to further develop the case for reinstating some of the Islands’ lost rail links.

The project will aim to reinstate the disused railway line between the Island Line and Newport, via Blackwater, providing a frequent, fast and reliable railway service from Ryde Pier Head to the Island’s county town – albeit following an indirect route.

The original suggestion was utilising the Isle of Wight Steam Railway track from Smallbrook Junction to Wootton and extending it to Newport, but the business case submitted by the Council now looks at reinstating a railway track from Sandown to Blackwater instead. The plan of utilising the Steam Railway has been ruled out on cost and feasibility grounds.

Brave move. I construct reasonably ambitious business cases, and I'm not sure I would have had the balls to go for Sandown-Newport once the IOW Railway route had been ruled out (RYR).

Here is a link to the Strategic Outline Business Case -

I thought that the following quote was of particular interest, as it is one of the first attempts that I have read of a UK public transport business case attempting to measure the long-term impacts of Covid:

Quote from: IOW Strategic Outline Business Case
Changes in the value for money case through the various combinations of the ‘Economic Catch-Up’ and ‘Sustainable Transformation’ scenarios show that the benefit cost case is strongly affected by the future nature of Island development and policy.

Assumptions about potential long term negative impacts of Covid-19 significantly hamper the economic case.  For comparison, the 3tph Newport via Blackwater scheme with a junction to the south of Sandown sees the BCR fall from from between 0.8 and 1.3 under Business as Usual to between 0.4 and 0.6 as future transport markets – and public transport markets in particular – contract

Edit - slight change to sidestep a forum bug! - grahame

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: grahame on July 07, 2021, 11:49:59
Gave me a broken link, Lee - I suspect that it checks where the link is coming from.  Member's mirror - RYR SOBC ((here)) (  ;D

EDIT - issue located ... all to do with the expansion of abbreviations and one appearing in the URL.  Link will work now.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: TonyK on July 08, 2021, 20:00:03
I love the detail in the executive summary, like:

Improving grid stability – the railway would provide a ready on-Island market for excess renewable energy

Yeah, right.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Andy on October 17, 2021, 13:20:07
Does anyone have any news about when the announcements concerning the successful bids in the final tranche are to be made? I had understood they were due in September. Any hints picked up as to whether any of the bids in GWR territory are likely to be among the winners?

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Andy on October 29, 2021, 15:32:34
The 13 successful bids include new stations at Corsham and Stonehouse (Bristol Road), and reinstatement of the Tavistock-Bere Alston line & Tavistock-Plymouth services.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Rhydgaled on November 01, 2021, 21:07:58
reinstatement of the Tavistock-Bere Alston line & Tavistock-Plymouth services.
Actual reinstatement or just a feasibility study into possible reinstatement?

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: trainbuff on November 01, 2021, 23:34:18
reinstatement of the Tavistock-Bere Alston line & Tavistock-Plymouth services.
Actual reinstatement or just a feasibility study into possible reinstatement?
Just 'another' feasibility study. But in a different world where rail is seen as a way forward

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: bradshaw on November 02, 2021, 08:14:57
Was there not some Tavistock housing development which had plans for a future railway station?
I seem to recall that it was linked in the planning details

This from 2018

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: Andy on November 02, 2021, 08:39:27
reinstatement of the Tavistock-Bere Alston line & Tavistock-Plymouth services.
Actual reinstatement or just a feasibility study into possible reinstatement?
Just another feasilbilty study - £50k towards developing a business case. The associated housing development is also mentioned in the report below.

Title: Re: DfT sifts 60 new rail plans
Post by: RichardB on November 02, 2021, 17:01:49
reinstatement of the Tavistock-Bere Alston line & Tavistock-Plymouth services.
Actual reinstatement or just a feasibility study into possible reinstatement?

The thing about this is that, for the first time, Tavistock (- Bere Alston) - Plymouth is in the Restoring Your Railway pipeline.  The money, with extra from Devon, will update the Strategic Outline Business Case which is the key to seeing if it can be taken forward.  If it had failed to make the cut, that would probably have been that for another ten years!

Fingers crossed......

Re Bradshaw's point, yes, there is a contribution from the developer towards a new station but the money (£11 million) obviously won't go far with what would need to be done.

More here -


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