Title: Chipping Norton railbus withdrawn (again) Post by: Richard Fairhurst on March 12, 2022, 12:33:44 The X8 railbus from Kingham Station to Chipping Norton has had a bit of a chequered history over recent years. It used to run throughout the day; was withdrawn in 2017 after Oxfordshire County Council dropped all bus subsidies; and returned a couple of years later as a peak-time only service with central Government funding.
Unfortunately, from 1st April, it will be withdrawn once more: https://twitter.com/PulhamsCoaches/status/1500803636246503425 "Please be advised that the X8 service will cease operation on Friday 1st April 2022." (Previous discussion: http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/info/13423_Bus_Link_Kingham_to_Chipping_Norton.html) Title: Re: Chipping Norton railbus withdrawn (again) Post by: Richard Fairhurst on March 05, 2024, 10:29:33 Chippy is getting a bus-rail connection again - but this time via Moreton-in-Marsh, not Kingham.
It was reported at an Oxfordshire "Active Travel Round Table" yesterday that Pulhams would be running a new Chippy–Moreton service, and I see it's now on the Oxford Clarion Twitter account: https://twitter.com/OxfordClarion/status/1764954623243067794 Title: Re: Chipping Norton railbus withdrawn (again) Post by: bobm on March 05, 2024, 13:45:58 With Pulhams now part of the Go Ahead group the £2 fare cap will apply too I assume.
Title: Re: Chipping Norton railbus withdrawn (again) Post by: ChrisB on March 05, 2024, 14:40:51 The X9 still runs from Chippy to Charlbury
Title: Re: Chipping Norton railbus withdrawn (again) Post by: Richard Fairhurst on March 05, 2024, 15:46:10 It does indeed - I used it on Saturday! But it can't get to Charlbury station, because there's a weight limit on the river bridge (though the occasional RRB does chance it), and it's a 700m walk from the nearest bus stop. The 801 calls at the Moreton station bus stops.
Title: Re: Chipping Norton railbus withdrawn (again) Post by: TonyN on March 05, 2024, 17:13:19 This will also give access to the National Trust Chastleton House and the Rollright Stones from the Cotswold line.
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