Title: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: Lee on May 29, 2008, 20:13:55 Services are back on track at the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway (link below.)
http://www.oxfordmail.net/news/headlines/display.var.2306620.0.heritage_railway_back_on_track.php Problems with rolling stock meant the heritage railway had not been able to run trains since Easter. But the problems have been dealt with and Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Railways has given the line a clean bill of health Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: autotank on November 20, 2008, 21:08:39 With many new houses due to be built in Wallingford over the next 10-15 years do you think a proper commercial service could ever be introduced on the Wallingford branch? Many of the new houses are proposed to be built near the current terminus which makes the fact it is a bit of a walk from town less of an issue. Could be an ideal line for a Parry people mover or bubble car. The track would probably need a bit of work, but it would cost a lot less than a full on reopening.
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: grahame on November 21, 2008, 06:28:56 Hi, "Autotank", and welcome to the Forum.
How long an answer do you want ;D ?? The management overiew is "it would probably make a lot of sense to provide an appropriate service on the Wallingford line, but there's an awful lot of other places that it would make similar sense to do something similar and it's not happened." The longer answer involves availability of rolling stock, costs of raising track to very high standards legally required and other health and safety issues, ensuring that there's enough in it for commercial interests involved to get their profit for their shareholders, capital investment sources / underwriting by the local transport authority in the area, red tape, all the movers and shakers being too busy doing other things realting to meeting demand on lines already open, and on major projects such as Reading and Crossrail. On the positive side, if you have a rail-friendly local authority (LTA) that doesn't have its thought all tied up in local government re-organsation, a helpful MP, a marginal constituency, and some development that could help with section 106 grants and the like, and you're in a depressed area that the EU will help fund, or if you have senior rail people living in the place(s) that would be served. When I first got involved with railway campaigning, three people cautioned me against excessive optimism (which in fact I didn't have - but they weren't to know that) - and the words stick in my mind "Graham - a rail based campaign takes ten times as long as an ordinary one, and there's an extra zero on the end of the price too". I'm not trying to put you off here ... but across the FGW territory, have a look at campaigns / comments with regard to Portishead, Okehampton, Tavistock, the TransWilts line, Radstock ... (and I have probably left out a few) but also Severn Beach, Ebbw Vale, Newquay and Maesteg where you'll see services running which previously were not. Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: autotank on November 21, 2008, 12:22:31 Thanks for the detailed reply grahame - very interesting. I would hope that the Wallingford branch wouldn't cost as much and be as much physical work as you suggest. As the line is pretty short, the current 25mph maximum speed I don't think would be too much of an issue - this would mean it could continue to operate under a LRO. From personal experience I know the P Way would need some upgrading - but I would have thought remedial work rather than total replacement would do the trick. Volunteers have done quite a bit of work in recent years to replace 100's of life expired wooden sleepers with concrete ones. As for rolling stock, I think a Parry People Mover would be ideally suited to the line with backup provided by say a heritage bubble car.
By keeping the branch self contained I think costs could be kept down and as the council actually own the trackbed I'm sure they'd want to see their asset used for the greater public benefit. Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: autotank on June 09, 2009, 12:15:07 Shameless plug!
6430 and Autotrailer (not sure which one, but I'll find out later) are arriving at Wallingford this afternoon and will be operating an intensive service on both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is the 50th anniversary of the last passenger service on 'The Bunk' - unfortunately we couldn't get a 14xx which were the mainstay of the line in the 30/40/50's, but I think you'll agree 6430 is the next best thing! It will be the first time an Autotrain has operated on the branch since 1466 in the 60's. Didcot are launching 3650 over the weekend, so why not have a pannier binge and include us in you plans as well - Cholsey is only 5 minutes away on the train (our services depart from platform 5). Come and visit - you will be made most welcome. I should be firing at some stage so come and say hi (I'll be wearing a flat cap). More details at www.cholsey-wallingford-railway.com Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: anthony215 on February 19, 2011, 20:36:13 Does anyone know the name of the preserved railway which has its station directly next to one of the local stations served by FGW between Didcot Parkway & Reading?
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: inspector_blakey on February 19, 2011, 20:40:09 Cholsey and Wallingford railway (http://www.cholsey-wallingford-railway.com/), they use one of the platforms at Cholsey station (first stop after Didcot heading towards Reading on a local service).
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: JayMac on February 19, 2011, 20:43:13 *deleted*. Beaten to it by my fellow moderator. ;D
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: anthony215 on February 19, 2011, 20:53:06 Ok thanks, i was thinking about visisting there when they next have a open day or something. Any other places around the thames valley or oxford area's anyone would reconmend to visit?
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: JayMac on February 19, 2011, 20:56:08 There's also the Didcot Railway Centre (http://www.didcotrailwaycentre.org.uk/), and a bit further afield, but possible as a stop off if you are travelling up from South Wales, STEAM (http://www.steam-museum.org.uk/) at Swindon.
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: autotank on February 20, 2011, 11:15:55 Wallingford itself is worth visiting - there are the remains of a castle and a good local museum. All about a 10 minute walk from the station.
We're not running until Easter when we have Ivor visiting. Hopefully we should have a steam loco from May onwards for the rest of the season. I was out helping with P-Way yesterday - we are currently replacing some of the steel sleepers near Cholsey Church which were used on the GWML as an experiement by the GWR in the 1930's. They are being replaced with concrete sleepers which were used on the Cotswold Line near Honeybourne until a few years ago. Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: IanL on February 20, 2011, 12:00:29 Not far from Didcot, The pendon museum www.pendonmuseum.com
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: autotank on May 25, 2014, 21:29:42 Steam returned to the Cholsey and Wallingford Railway today for the first time in over a year in the form of 'Northern Gas Board No. 1' which is on hire for the next 2 years from the Darlington Railway Preservation Society. I had a go on the shovel this afternoon and was very impressed - I look forward to having a few more turns on her over the summer. Ivor was also fired up today at Wallingford ahead of a visit from the boiler inspector during the week. This means that for the first time in many years we could have two operational steam locomotives on the branch this summer. We're hoping to have them both in action on at least one day quite soon. Do come and pay us a visit if you can!
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: Cynthia on May 26, 2014, 21:45:57 Whoopy doooooo! I'll be there!
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: bobm on May 26, 2014, 22:10:35 Having been with the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway Preservation Society in its early days when it was battling to get a level crossing included in the plans for the bypass or have the line cut in half, I am really pleased to see the progress it has made.
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: autotank on August 20, 2014, 16:33:41 This Sunday and Monday for the first time in nearly 20 years we'll be running 2 steam engines together on the line! Normal timetable in operation but with lots of combinations throughout the day including double heading and banking. The line up is Peckett's 1555 (Ivor) and 2142 (Northern Gas Board No.1).
Free car parking at Wallingford Station or of course you can join us at Cholsey Station where we run out of the original bay platform 5. We swill usually wait for the xx37 up stoppers on Sundays. Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: bobm on July 01, 2018, 18:40:07 Made a return visit to the Cholsey & Wallingford today.
The railway made great strides in its early days to get the level crossing over the newly constructed Wallingford bypass and reach the bay platform at Cholsey next to the mainline. However I sense progress has, almost inevitably, slowed in recent years. The station was much as I remembered it from my last visit however there are plans to bring the old canopy from Maidenhead Station to Wallingford in the next year. Also some more land has been purchased which may be sufficient to add another siding and relieve some of the congestion in the station area. So there is renewed hope for the future. (http://www.mbob.co.uk/rforum/wallstn.jpg) (http://www.mbob.co.uk/rforum/wallstn2.jpg) (not really quite sure what the tractor is doing there....) The mainstays on the line are 08 diesel shunters. Two, Lion and Unicorn from the Guinness brewery at Park Royal and one which came straight from BR (08123) named George Mason after a benefactor from the Cholsey & Wallingford's earliest days. (http://www.mbob.co.uk/rforum/cwcho.jpg) The journey takes 15 minutes mostly past fields plus a view of Cholsey Church where Agatha Christie is buried (http://www.mbob.co.uk/rforum/cwchurch.jpg) As mentioned on another thread (http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=17280.msg198761#msg198761) (http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=17280.msg198761#msg198761)) through tickets are available from the national network (http://www.mbob.co.uk/rforum/cwsign.jpg) If you have a whole day there is the scope to combine a visit to the C&W with the nearby Didcot Railway Centre and the Pendon model museum. Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: Bmblbzzz on July 02, 2018, 10:53:27 (http://www.mbob.co.uk/rforum/wallstn2.jpg) (https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1728/42835091501_b7cb6f5431_c.jpg) No tractor there earlier in June (and the gates were locked), but apart from that, pretty similar! Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: bobm on February 23, 2021, 14:52:29 The Railway has announced the appointment of Mark Hopwood CBE as its new President.
He succeeds the late Sir William McAlpine. Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: eightonedee on February 24, 2021, 11:11:56 Driving past this morning on a grocery run I saw the new train shed has been erected over the station - looks quite smart from a distance.
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: Oxonhutch on February 24, 2021, 16:41:46 It is ex-Platform 5 at Maidenhead. Good to see that it has been preserved.
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: Red Squirrel on February 24, 2021, 17:09:41 From the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway's Facebook page: (https://www.facebook.com/CholseyWallingfordRailway/)
(https://scontent-lhr8-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/136941348_3952825234736301_5108498934172245511_o.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=3&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=xB8Dk_BZrfUAX8rxFVn&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-2.xx&oh=68dee44b73afddd897aa33a5322e361b&oe=605CA508) Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: autotank on February 25, 2021, 07:04:59 I've recently become involved again with the C&WR (I'm the new membership secretary) and, after a number of years treading water, I'm delighted with recent progress and Mark Hopwood becoming President. The canopy has been done beautifully and good progress is being made paving the platform, which will make a huge difference. Plans are at long last being made to build some permanent station buildings and move away from the portacabins. A strip of land was acquired when Lidl was built next door, which will allow the construction of a much needed runround loop in the next year or two.
The 'Coffee Stop' which was at Cholsey Station pre-Covid has moved to Wallingford and is very proving popular opening Tuesday - Saturday for takeaway. We are hoping to make this a more permanent arrangement in the future and provide outdoor seating when resrictions ease. A grand opening of the canopy is being planned for the summer, hopefully with a suitable GW steam loco. Do pay us a visit if you can or why not join up to stay in touch and benefit from travel concessions? https://www.cholsey-wallingford-railway.com/membership Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: bobm on February 25, 2021, 09:31:51 I've recently become involved again with the C&WR (I'm the new membership secretary) Small world. I was Membership Secretary for the C&WRPS back in the 1980s. Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: IndustryInsider on February 25, 2021, 11:07:27 The canopy has been done beautifully... It has been done beautifully, looking at the photo Red Squirrel linked to. Just a shame you couldn't have slotted in the old footbridge at Taplow somewhere. ;) Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: johnneyw on February 25, 2021, 23:37:18 The canopy has been done beautifully... It has been done beautifully, looking at the photo Red Squirrel linked to. Just a shame you couldn't have slotted in the old footbridge at Taplow somewhere. ;) I had no idea about this, although I had been planning a visit pre the current unpleasantness. I'm slightly pleased my visit was delayed. This means that I can now appreciate this. Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: autotank on July 02, 2021, 12:17:30 So proud of our little line last weekend. We officially opened the Maidenhead canopy at the new Wallingford Station on Friday 25th with 'Railway Royalty' including Sir Peter Hendy, Tim Dunn, Lady McAlpine, Mark Hopwood, Lord Bradshaw and of course many of our amazing volunteers! We've still got lots to do, but there is a great can do attitude around the place at the moment and some great people. Oh and we sold over 6000 tickets in the first week for Polar Express too!
There was a nice bit of coverage on BBC South Today last night. Scroll to 09:41, but be quick as I think it only stay up until 6.30pm this evening www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000xjk1 There is also this article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-57682265 4612 is with us until the end of the month so do come and have a ride! Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: eightf48544 on July 03, 2021, 17:06:47 A candidate for Vivarails battery units with "Fast Charge" at Cholsey.
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: ChrisB on July 03, 2021, 17:47:56 I’m sure they’d rather continue with their steam operation!
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: Oxonhutch on August 07, 2021, 15:43:02 Is any Cholsey and Wallingford Railway member at liberty to tell us what is happening with the Wallingford Bypass Level Crossing which is in obvious need of repair? Hence the tidal flow road traffic lights. As the railway came first, I am assuming that it is the responsibility of the local authority to make good the collapsed road surface.
I also noticed today there was a railway crossing keeper and what looked like an operator for the traffic lights as the railway looks to be in operation. Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: Oxonhutch on August 09, 2021, 15:08:59 A bit of searching on The CWR Signalling (https://www.cholsey-wallingford-railway.com/signalling) website yields the following:
Quote The railway is one of only a few heritage lines in the country to cross a main road. The CWR in preservation form pre-dates the road, and as part of the agreement to build the Wallingford By-Pass, it was agreed that Oxfordshire Highways would be responsible for all maintenance of the crossing through Oxfordshire county council (OCC). OCC have a contract with Network Rail for all maintenance of the crossing. i.e. No maintenance burden for the railway. Good! So it seems to be another job for the Orange Army. Well they better arrive soon because OCC says on their roads website (https://one.network/custom/oxfordshire/) that the lights are only there until 18th August. I expect an alteration to that timing soon. Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: autotank on August 11, 2021, 05:43:08 Yes thankfully we don't have to pay for the repairs required to the crossing. All sorts of hi-viz clad experts from various bodies have been crawling over it in the last few months - hopefully it won't be long until the actual work starts. The council must be paying out quite a lot of money for an operative to man the crossing everytime we run at the moment.
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: bobm on August 11, 2021, 16:59:32 I was involved with the Cholsey & Wallingford when the bypass was being planned. It really was make or break to get the crossing provided. Otherwise the railway would have been cut into two unviable halves.
Shortly after it came into use there was an accident at the crossing which initially brought some bad publicity for the line although it was ultimately proved that everything relating to the crossing had worked correctly. Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: Marlburian on September 17, 2021, 09:58:52 Meridian TV news item (https://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2021-09-16/spirit-of-the-south-all-aboard-the-cholsey-and-wallingford-railway)
Title: Re: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway - between Didcot Parkway and Reading Post by: Oxonhutch on October 28, 2021, 21:11:04 Now an incredibly long tidal flow system over the bypass level crossing. Lights either side of the dividing reservation - previously driven over - means long delays for drivers over the section, +/- 400m. On a positive note, I see that notification of a total road closure on 9th/10th November suggests that remediation is now finally in hand. Comments please (yeah or nay) from those in the know.
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