When these incidents happen what happens after service is restored? Is there a subsequent review to see if it could have been prevented or whether further work should be carried out to stop it happening again?
There will be an investigation panel, probably early next week looking at what equipment failed.
If it was
NR» equipment that failed how well did NR fault teams responded, were spare available etc, same applies to a failed train. If it was external failure, such as an electricity supply company outage they will contacted to understand what happened.
The usual questions in the Route / region investigation panel (which as ToC and NR members) will be what failed, why, can it be prevented in the future or what mitigations are practical to do; was the response what should have been expected. The operational response will be looked at in terms of how did NR and the ToCs work to manage the disruption.
During a disruption that seemed to have occurred yesterday NR's Route / Region Control will have established once it was apparent it was a prolonged incident initially a 'Silver Command' this would be lead my a senior on-call Manager or member of the Route Executive team and involve ToC managers, NR Ops, NR Maintenance Engineers and Route Asset Support Engineers. It can be escalated to 'Gold Command' which will involve Snr Executive members from NR and ToC