Understand what your saying Grahame,but large housing development is to start soon,right by Bedminster station.
So I can see a further increase in passengers numbers at Bedminster station as their is no direct bus service from Bedminster(or Parson street) to temple meads
Bedminster has a slope for those who have difficulties getting up and down the steps.
Parson street really does need a lift/ramp,before the portishead line reopens.
Many stations in the Bristol and Bath travel-to-work area need huge investment to make them properly accessible. Bedminster station could become a lot busier as Bedminster Green is developed - but only if the people who live there can find their way through to its single, restricted subway entrance. And although it has ramps, they are too steep to be considered properly accessible.
In my view it doesn't serve us well to play one station against another. We may often wonder why one station got funding for improvements when another did not; in truth there is an element of luck. But any improvements are a cause for celebration, and for renewing our efforts to bring up standards throughout our region.
Full disclosure: As it happens, I am currently working with Bristol Civic Society to argue the case for investing in Bedminster station. My local station, Montpelier, also needs huge investment but I'll be very happy if Bedminster is improved first. And I'll be delighted when Pilning gets its footbridge back!