Frequently asked questions ... a new composite and sticky "thread" of pointers to the resources that people commonly look for.
* For the forum home page:
(link)Headliners * Newcomers start here - and a reference for older members -
(link)That link includes a copy of your forum agreement, a copy of our constitution, posting guidelines, etc* Who runs this forum? -
(link)A brief introduction to our moderators and administrators* If you feel something on the forum is wrong -
(link)How to report problems with content or site operation even if you are a guest* "Person hit by train" - what it means,
and people to contact if you need help -
(link)* Emergency contacts on public transport
(here)About this forum* Here as a guest? Why not join - it's free! -
(link)* A map of this forum - what is where? -
(link)* The background to the forum -
(link)* Who are we? - The people behind this forum -
(link)* Keeping your account up to date / what to do if you can't log in
(link)* Images in your posts
(link)* Thoughts and guidelines on posting obituaries -
(link)About Public and sustainable transport* Community and Rail - how they work together -
(link)* Who are the key players in the
UK▸ passenger rail industry? -
(link)* Active campaigns across the area we cover -
(link)About Making journeys* Looking for advice on fares, or answers to fare questions? -
(link)* Keeping the price of your rail travel down -
(link)* Cycles and how the railway deals with them -
(link)About wider topics* Links to other sites and resources -
(link)* On running a (transport group) meeting -
(link)* Heritage Railways across the UK -
(link)And where can I ... * Search for something? -
(here)* Interpret abbreviations and acronyms -
(here)* Find the latest topics started on the forum -
(here)* Find recently most popular topics
(here)* Find what has happened so far this month -
(here)(in the following replace "
TRO» " with any other 3 letter station code)
* Find resources for a station -* Find a map of the station area - you feel something else could usefully be added to this FAQ▸ , please follow up onthe discussion thread at