This forum - and other places I have written in the past such as my blog -
represent things as they were at the time they were written. Whilst there are a few occasions where an update alert is appropriate, they ARE few and far between.
There's a post of mine from 1st May 2011 that talks about car parking prices (in Melksham) at the time. It's got that date on the post, and it starts "This table was checked against signage earlier today (1st May 2011) ...". It shouldn't surpise the reader here in September 2022 that the prices quoted from over a decade ago have changed. And indeed the blog pages explicitly state this:
This is a page archived from The Horse's Mouth at - the diary and writings of Graham Ellis. Every attempt was made to provide current information at the time the page was written, but things do move forward in our business - new software releases, price changes, new techniques. Please check back via our main site for current courses, prices, versions, etc - any mention of a price in "The Horse's Mouth" cannot be taken as an offer to supply at that price.
It's probably worth a reminder of the above from time to time, and this evening seems an approporiate time having received the following by email in the last few hours. I don't know who else has read it, I'm pretty sure it has been shared elsewhere. IIn any case, it asks me to make wider public response.
I am writing to you regarding the above ... posting which refers to Free Parking at the Station. As you are fully aware parking is chargeable against the posted tariff rates. The first 30 minutes only are free. You have already caused confusion with one recent user of the car park.
I do note that you refer to current charges checked 1st May 2011, but not everyone reads the ’small print’. The site seems to have been updated in 2017.
I would ask you to update or remove the posting and notify your mailing list accordingly of the error.
Hmmm ... I'm uneasy about changing history / an archive, or deleting something, especially where it's altering facts as they were at the time written. Clarification may be appropriate (but, my goodness, clarification is already there are has been for years).
For the sake of further clarity, I believe there is no error. If you want to decide for yourself, it's
(here) . And there is no mailing list associated with the blog to let people know. So
if anyone feels mislead by my blog or other articles or feels they are in error, I apologise here in public.To complete the story, car parking charges were introduced at Melksham Station in summer 2020. I am not going to attempt to tell you current rates here - but rather refer you to which (ironically) still says "Parking charges will be introduced from 31st July" ... and that was 31st July 2020 - over 2 years ago