1st January 2023 ... Cancellations:
10:44 Westbury to Swindon due 11:28
11:41 Swindon to Westbury due 12:21
14:21 Frome to Swindon due 15:23
15:44 Swindon to Frome due 16:38
16:43 Frome to Swindon due 17:34
17:44 Swindon to Salisbury due 18:55
19:29 Swindon to Westbury due 20:11
20:26 Westbury to Swindon due 21:08
21:25 Swindon to Westbury due 22:06
21:25 Swindon to Westbury due 22:06 will be cancelled.
This is due to a shortage of train crew.
Further Information
If you hold a valid single, return, or weekly ticket, you will be able to claim compensation for delays of 15 minutes or more. Please keep your ticket and visit GWR▸ .com/DelayRepay
Other Train Service Updates:
11:01 Weymouth to Swindon due 13:28
13:41 Swindon to Weymouth due 15:50
18:24 Frome to Swindon due 19:17
13:41 Swindon to Weymouth due 15:50 will be started from Westbury.
It will no longer call at Swindon, Chippenham, Melksham and Trowbridge.
This is due to a shortage of train crew.
Further Information
If you hold a valid single, return, or weekly ticket, you will be able to claim compensation for delays of 15 minutes or more. Please keep your ticket and visit GWR.com/DelayRepay
Last Updated:01/01/2023 00:47
Real Time Trains shows 12 trains in the timetable (6 each way) on the Westbury to Swindon line, and the short term cancellations above list 12 trains - so that leaves the line (and Melksham, population 25,000) with no trains at all today.
No offer of alternative road transport.
"Via Melksham" tickets should be accepted / sold for travel via Bath Spa, since GWR are failing to provide the train service - a situation that has happened so often before that it's an official "thing" - though online ticket sales outlets have had difficulty with it.