As Red Squirrel suggests there tend to be no easy answers.
There is good guidance now but it is just guidance.
It does say that there should be an integrated plan rather than a patchwork of disconnected schemes. This was the idea behind Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (
LCWIP▸ ). In the case of Melksham this would be the Wiltshire LCWIP, which majors on Salisbury, and mentions Chippenham, Devizes and Trowbridge. All Melksham gets is a Sign Placement Plan, which to my cynical mind suggests a cop out.
What happened to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) or s106 money from new estates, or did that vanish into the central pot in Trowbridge?
LTN▸ 1/20 says that schemes should be designed by a suitably qualified highways engineer, and elsewhere in the guidance it suggests that should be cyclist.
Needless there is very little of this evident in Reading. The prime example is the Sidmouth Street cycle street. It has no connection with the rest of the cycle network at the river end, and it is that useful I have never even seen a cycle delivery bike on it.