Wasn't Long Marston Ministry of Defence land where the Euro Nightstars were kept before being sold to Italy?
I was on a rail tour that took us there and before we entered the army came on board to say we couldn't take photos because munitions were stored there.
Our tour, The Pen and
? then went on to Stratford-upon-Avon and we had an open top bus tour.
Long Marston had a huge army depot - "R.E.M.E. Central Park" that was connected to the Stratford upon Avon - Cheltenham main line. At one time, there were several miles worth of tracks around the depot, serving numerous warehouses and sheds.
There was a Birds scrapyard at
LM▸ too, just to the south of the Army sidings
Most of the former Army Depot, together with the former
RAF▸ Long Marston airfield, has been turned over to housing development. Most local folks believe it's not the greatest idea to plonk thousands of new homes in the Warwickshire countryside without much by way of public transport. Grand plans to reinstate tracks to Stratford upon Avon appear to have fallen silent. And even a plan that could fairly easily be achieved (you'd think) of reinstating a passenger service on the remaining stub of railway from Honeybourne to the LM storage sidings has gone MIA