Last Thursday - from our meeting which I reported at Question - Should the Melksham Transport User Group roll in the another group such as the West Wiltshire Rail User Group?
Answer - Absolutely we are not going to. Melksham Transport User Group - the job continues
And the ONLY reason we would have rolled in is a lack of local committee / officer staff. There is a job to do ... and although other groups touch on the periphery of the job, they are only that We have a new core team of half a dozen - offer huge thanks to those (who know who they are) who have been carrying it in recent years and welcome their offers of continued knowledgable volunteer help and inputs as elder statesmen.
This is labelled "committee plus". We have some officers - but could do with a couple of others in remaining key roles and a couple of local specialists with time and space in their diaries to actively support us. And, my goodness, we are grateful to all the volunteers who have expressed (and have a history) of helping us from time to time.
So - note to Melksham Readers, especially transport users and wannabe users - love you to come along; I don't know exactly how it will re-develop. We have an achieved a lot over the years and a warm welcome from the periphery organisations that will be partners. We also have a lot that needs doing, in a friendly environment.
[Edit - corrected spelling of ‘Melksham’ in subject - Red Squirrel]
[Edit - Oh, the irony!
Chris from Nailsea]