Great Western Coffee Shop

Sideshoots - associated subjects => The Lighter Side => Topic started by: grahame on November 10, 2024, 14:39:36

Title: "I'm singing on the train" - Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers and TfL
Post by: grahame on November 10, 2024, 14:39:36
From myLondon (

If you are thinking about singing your heart out on the Tube after a good night out, you may want to think twice - unless you wouldn’t mind a penalty.

We all know the London Underground to have its array of musicians and buskers as we commute around the city, but it is illegal for passengers themselves to sing.

Under TFL railway byelaws “no person on the railway shall to the annoyance of any person shall sing” unless you have been given written permission from the Operator. This unknown rule applies to all chanting, singing and performing on the train or platform.

The article goes on to describe busking on the underground, and mentions several famous names who started there.

Title: Re: "I'm singing on the train" - Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers and TfL
Post by: Western Pathfinder on November 11, 2024, 00:30:06
 Only very tenuously to related to the above post however it's very jolly and well worth a watch .

Title: Re: "I'm singing on the train" - Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers and TfL
Post by: Chris from Nailsea on November 11, 2024, 00:42:36
This is even more tenuous - but I found it brilliantly funny:

From YouTube:

God bless Her Majesty.  CfN.

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