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121  All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: New Customer Information Systems on: July 07, 2011, 14:44:55
Does anyone know a timescale for Worle to gain it's new spangdangled TIDs?

Then again the prospect of a smash up by the local yoof might make it a non-priority.

Worle is not due any CIS (Customer Information System) or PA (Public Address). Hence the 3-button help-points with automated info instead. The only upgrade as part of this project was the new CCTV (Closed Circuit Tele Vision), which is now complete.
122  All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: New Customer Information Systems on: June 17, 2011, 15:06:25
Does anyone have any news on the installation of the new CIS (Customer Information System) and PA (Public Address) at Exeter Central?

due to be completed this month
123  Sideshoots - associated subjects / The Lighter Side / Re: Where was I yesterday? on: June 03, 2011, 13:36:34
124  All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: New Customer Information Systems on: May 25, 2011, 14:18:51
the help points with web cis screens were paid for by local councils. if the coucil wanted one at a particular station, then they stumped up the cash for it. they are situated at the following locations:

Ashchurch for Tewkesbury
Bere Alston
Bicester Town
Cam & Dursley
Carbis Bay
Dawlish Warren
Exeter St Thomas
Falmouth Docks
Falmouth Town
Lympstone Village
St Germans
St James Park
Weston Milton

some do seem rather strange - why exactly does melksham need a web cis screen for 2 trains per day!? it is blank for the majority of the day, but the council wanted and paid for it, so they got it.
125  Sideshoots - associated subjects / The Lighter Side / Re: Where are these tracks? on: May 18, 2011, 09:35:17
cheltenham. near waitrose. on the route of the old cheltenham - honeybourne line.
126  All across the Great Western territory / Smoke and Mirrors / Re: Lost property? on: May 17, 2011, 12:40:43
yes possible, likely, no

so it's more likely that someone from fgw, rather than a member of the public, found your purse, took the money then hand delivered it to an address in liverpool?
127  All across the Great Western territory / Smoke and Mirrors / Re: Lost property? on: May 17, 2011, 09:28:35

Roll on MArch 21st - phone call comes from my mom......

Hand dellivered through her door, because it was three hours AFTER the post had been, was a small envelope with a hand written note on the back "all other items distroyed" - and yes, thats how it was written.........No stamp on it, no post mark, it had never been throough the royal mail system......and for those who don't know, mom lives in liverpool

In it was the receipts and the drivers licence!  No one at paddington, or bristol, can explain how in the name of anything holy that happened.

is it not possible that a fellow passenger located said purse, liberated it of it's money cash and dumped it. later it could have been located by another passenger just about to board a north bound xc service, who noted the liverpool address, so took it with them. not a great leap of imagination...

the lost property procedure does ultimately rely on items being located by or handed in to staff, if anyone else intervenes, then there's no way for the correct procedure to be followed.
128  All across the Great Western territory / Smoke and Mirrors / Re: New FGW Customer Service initiative? on: May 09, 2011, 09:21:29
Of course they are referring to PCF. It's still ongoing, so it is still (kind of) relevant. They've just pulled that paragraph from the ^big file of standard paragraphs designed to answer any given complaint^. You're reading too much into it I'm afraid.
129  All across the Great Western territory / Who's who on Western railways / Re: First Great Western management team on: March 31, 2011, 13:10:45
Ok, so here's how it works...

Previously there was a Head of Sations, with three Area Managers (West, Central & East) reporting directly to him, with the Stations Managers reporting to their relevant Area Manager. In an ill-advised re-org, the Area Managers were removed and the Station Managers all reported directly to the Head of Stations. The Head of Stations suddenly realised he had 18 direct reports, rather than the previous three and that it simply wasn't workable, so some Station Managers were rebranded 'Senior Station Managers' simply to reduce the number of direct reports to the Head of Stations. But this caused more problems as the egos of the 'Senior' managers were inflated into believing they were 'Area Managers' but they weren't. Time for another re-org...
This time it was the Head of Stations position that was removed. Three new General Managers were created for each region - David Crome in the West, Steve Tyler in Central and Claire Mann in the East. The General Managers are responsible for everything in their region and reporting to them are the new area managers for stations, guards, drivers etc. The station area managers are known as Retail Managers, but they are essentially the same as the old station Area Managers. The three regional Retail Managers are - Lee Edworthy in the West, Mike Holmes in Central and Sean McBroom in the East. They are resonsible for all things station within their region and the Station Managers report to them. The current Station Manager at Temple Meads (and outstations) is Glyn Beck. Glyn reports to Mike, who reports to Steve. Simples.
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