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31  All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Railway station ticket barriers could be replaced by sensors... on: August 12, 2019, 06:15:17

"The desperate scrabble for your ticket while running for a train could be a thing of the past, a manufacturer has claimed, with sensors potentially replacing ticket barriers which detect when passengers board trains.

Train-builder Hitachi Rail is developing technology designed to ensure travellers are automatically charged the correct fare by recognising their smartphones at both ends of their journey.

The firm is testing the system in northern Italy and believes it could be used on trains, buses and trams in the UK (United Kingdom)."

This being the same Hitachi who can't figure out how to get seat reservations working properly...
32  Journey by Journey / Bristol (WECA) Commuters / Re: Bristol Temple Meads Station redevelopment on: April 01, 2019, 10:56:22
33  Journey by Journey / Bristol (WECA) Commuters / Re: Bristol Temple Meads Station redevelopment on: March 27, 2019, 16:13:23
getting smaller by the day.
34  All across the Great Western territory / Your rights and redress / Re: Thefts and losses on GWR trains last year on: March 12, 2019, 11:49:56
Of the 560 reported 'thefts', how many of these items were actually just 'lost'? It can be a bit of a knee jerk reaction to report items as stolen when they were actually just left on a train. These items are often recovered and returned to the owner. No mention is made of how many of the items were subsequently recovered and returned.

Around 2000 items of lost property are recovered on the GWR (Great Western Railway) network each month.
35  All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: GWR - Rail Business of the Year on: March 04, 2019, 06:59:13
I think it is fair to say that members of this forum are not the target demographic for this campaign. For the intended audience I believe the campaign has gone down rather well.
36  Journey by Journey / London to South Wales / Re: GWR boss out of touch with its problems, says Labour MP on: February 17, 2019, 17:01:52
When the latest Direct Award franchise extention was given, the conversation with the DfT» (Department for Transport - about) went something along the lines of "Due to all the upgrades going on, your network is going to be pretty shitty for the next few years, as such we are not going to put the franchise out to tender. It's going to be a bit of a poison chalise and nobody will want it, so if you are willing to take all the flak for things being a bit shitty, and keep all that shit away from us then you can keep running the franchise for the next couple of years until we are in a position to re-let it. And we promise not to hold the shittyness against you went it comes to the next franchise compitition."

GWR (Great Western Railway) are doing exactly what was asked of them by the DfT, so I would argue that it's actually Stephen Doughty who is out of touch for failing to comprehend the politics of the situatuion.
37  All across the Great Western territory / Your rights and redress / Re: Approaches to looking after your customers - a contrast in philosophy? on: September 24, 2018, 14:28:06
GWR (Great Western Railway) have been cancelling significant numbers of trains for want of staff for at least TWO YEARS, that to me is incompetence.

It's not really about a lack of staff, it's about the ridiculous stranglehold the unions have over the railway, whereby train companies cannot compel their staff to come to work on Sundays. The services operate 7 days a week but the staff can simply choose not to work on Sundays if they don't feel like it. So TOCs (Train Operating Company) have to bribe their workforce to turn up for work on Sundays and if they still won't come in services get cancelled. It is an absolutely ludicrous situation that the unions have no desire to do anything about.
38  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Charges on: September 14, 2018, 12:35:20

Interesting discussion about legality in the comments section.

The fees that ATW (Arriva Trains Wales (former TOC (Train Operating Company))) refer to in the article are set by Rail Delivery Group and they are the maximum amount that TOCs can charge for handling different items of lost property. The TOC is also allowed to charge an additional fee for storage of £1 per day, up to a maximum of £25.

Also stated in the guidelines "Where it is an Operator's policy to charge, items of cash will be subject to an administration charge of £2 minimum or 10% of the amount found, up to a maximum of £10"

The article fails to mention that the 10% admin fee is limited to £10.

Incidentally, GWR (Great Western Railway) opt to levy no charges for the storage and handling of lost property, and no admin fees are applied when returning cash.  All associated costs relating to lost property are absorbed by the company.
39  Journey by Journey / Shorter journeys in Plymouth and Cornwall / Re: Plymouth Station - refurbishment, improvements, timetable changes, events and incidents (merged on: September 12, 2018, 14:27:23
Modern cars are wider - presumably to provide better side impact protection. Some are much wider than others and these do not fit well in previous standard 2.4m x 4.8m spaces (8ft x 16ft in old money). The 4 wheel drive models are a particular problem. This is a more of a problem in older multi-storey car parks where there is typically a pillar every 2 or 3 spaces so cannot simply repaint the lines.   

The biggest problem with the car park at Plymouth is the ramps to change levels. The curvature is too tight for modern larger cars and the walls are covered in scrape marks of every conceivable colour. It was designed for British Leyland Minis and Hillman Imps...
40  All across the Great Western territory / Your rights and redress / Re: Platform changes that mean you miss a service on: September 12, 2018, 14:18:57
I didn't know that. Which company would they work for?

The signalers work for Network Rail.
41  All across the Great Western territory / Your rights and redress / Re: Platform changes that mean you miss a service on: September 12, 2018, 11:11:54
...and the signaler responsible for changing the platform at the last minute works for a different company yet again!
42  All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Shortage of train crews on Great Western Railway - ongoing discussion on: August 20, 2018, 13:28:46
Looks like GWR (Great Western Railway)'S inability to manage their Annual Leave schedule is causing problems again today

It has nothing to do with an ability to manage annual leave. It's all down to the perfectly normal and valid situation whereby the entire railway workforce cannot be compelled to come to work on a Sunday. It's the Lord's day! Woe betide anyone who dares attempting to force staff to give up going to church. Strike, strike, strike! So if staff cannot be bribed into coming in with massive overtime payments then everything falls apart. Ain't railways brilliant.
43  Journey by Journey / London to the West / Re: Comedian humiliated for using disabled space on train - BBC News 17th July 2018 on: July 18, 2018, 06:36:30
Here's how I imagine this might play out... The TM(resolve) will be suspended pending an investigation. The RMT (National Union of Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers) will release an inflammatory statement claiming 'Brother so-and-so' is being bullied and victimised. "It's not his fault, it's management's fault for not being there with him to hold his hand and tell him what to do, say and think. He doesn't get paid enough to do, say and think for himself while the Fat Cat management are lining their pockets etc etc. Renationalise Now!" The TM will then be dismissed for gross misconduct and the RMT will go into overdrive with their rhetoric, declaring a culture of bullying and victimisation. They will call for a strike of which 90% of those eligible to vote will abstain from doing so. Of the remaining 10%, 60% will vote in favour of strike action and the RMT will declare a victory with 'overwhelming' support. 4 TMs will then stand on a picket line outside of Penzance station and the RMT will bring along the national press so the world can see their solidarity for 'Brother so-and-so'. By which time everyone will have forgotten all about the original story...
44  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Re: Oyster Rip-offs at Paddington on: July 13, 2018, 06:36:21
The member of gateline staff kept opening the gates using a staff Oyster (Smartcard system used by passengers on Transport for London services), obligingly doing this for many including myself. So since the gates were now open when we tried to do a touch out it didn't register because the gate in question had already been activated. So when we tried to do a second touch out immediately afterwards this was ignored was unregistered thereby leaving each of us with unresolved journeys.

Nonsense. No such thing as a 'staff Oyster'. They open the gates with a gateline 'touch' card, it just opens the gates up and has no effect on Oyster transactions.
45  All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ? on: July 05, 2018, 10:13:00
Amazing what Marvin can find to spend our money on. It's going to be a most accessible piece of wasteland...
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