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1  Journey by Journey / TransWilts line / Re: Rail replacement advise - Melksham - until 23rd January 2025 on: February 10, 2025, 14:52:14
BTW (by the way) I also asked Faresaver about the possibility of using one of their double deckers for the first 271 Melksham-Bath which I've been catching intermittently in my commute to Bristol, instead of the 100% train (or replacement bus) option. The single decker 271 is full before it reaches Bath which puts me off using it, and they do use a double for at least one service (1715 Bath-Melksham).

Just got a response from 'a director':

It is the case that the number of passengers travelling on this route has increased significantly as a result of the £2 fare cap, which has been running throughout 2024. It is difficult to make enhancements to services based on schemes which are of a short-term nature, such as the £2 fare scheme. This has now increased to £3 for 2025 and we will monitor usage levels over the coming weeks to ascertain if there is scope to increase the frequency of buses between Bath and Devizes.

We use double decks vehicles on certain days, such as when there are events in Bath which lead to increased usage, but again it is difficult to justify expenditure on new double deck vehicles costing £300,000 each, where schemes designed to encourage usage are only short-term schemes. We are encouraging local and central government to provide more concrete long-term funding plans to give operators the confidence to invest in larger vehicles and enhance the frequencies of services.

Got quite excited this morning walking to Melksham train station at about 7am when a double decker 271 passed me on its way to Bath. I contacted Faresaver to ask if this was a permanent change, but it was just a one-off apparently, something to do with weekend rugby Sad
2  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Re: Uber credits on: February 05, 2025, 12:08:02
I know I have to use my Nationwide banking app to authorize the payment twice for each purchase. It had stopped doing that, but started again a week or 2 ago.
3  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Re: Uber credits on: February 05, 2025, 06:25:22
I've found that it uses them automatically, no manual intervention required. Wasn't obvious though - hadn't noticed until I looked at my bank statement Smiley
4  Journey by Journey / TransWilts line / Re: 2025 - Service update and amendment log, Swindon <-> Westbury on: January 27, 2025, 14:37:57
Celebration!    The trains are back and running again.
Woohoo - my 07:21 Melksham-Chippenham this morning was on time, and I was able to catch the 07:34 Weston service at Chippenham without 'sprinting' (I use the term loosely) across the platform. All those upgrades have worked Smiley
5  All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Train departed 3 minutes earlier than scheduled on: January 15, 2025, 07:47:47
The stations I frequent (Bristol, Bath, Chippenham) have regular announcements warning that train doors may close 'up to 40 seconds before departure'. Is that standard, or does it depend on the station/operator?
6  Journey by Journey / TransWilts line / Re: Rail Replacement bus - OK, but I prefer the train. on: January 14, 2025, 09:22:00
Faresaver are sending me a single fare voucher in the post, although perhaps I should ask for a return as compensation for all the trauma I've suffered Smiley (They also offered a bank transfer, but I said I didn't mind, and the voucher is their preferred option.)
7  Journey by Journey / TransWilts line / Re: Rail Replacement bus - OK, but I prefer the train. on: January 14, 2025, 08:43:21
Oh I knew I was right, but unfortunately hadn't bothered to prepare anything to back up my request. In future I will have that nice picture ready on my phone to present to the driver - it's easier to read than the GWR (Great Western Railway) website text.
8  Journey by Journey / TransWilts line / Re: Rail Replacement bus - OK, but I prefer the train. on: January 13, 2025, 17:29:05
Just had to buy a bus ticket on the 1715 Bath-Melksham 271 - driver wouldn't accept my Bristol-Melksham train ticket. Said it was only valid on the X34 Smiley

I've emailed Faresaver - they ('Natasha') have been very helpful so far.
9  Journey by Journey / TransWilts line / Re: Rail Replacement bus - OK, but I prefer the train. on: January 08, 2025, 10:42:32
I'd be surprised if alcohol wasn't involved...
10  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Re: senior railcard on: January 08, 2025, 07:48:07
I've recently had the misfortune to become old enough to qualify for one of these, and have been making use of it. I had been looking forward to being challenged at the ticket barriers and on board, supporting my belief that I don't look anything like old enough to have one Smiley But so far that hasn't happened.

Phew - it's ok, just been asked to show it Smiley (on the Paddington-Weston)
11  Journey by Journey / TransWilts line / Re: Rail Replacement bus - OK, but I prefer the train. on: January 08, 2025, 07:36:31
Means the 0734 Weston is going to be packed though...
Ha - actually it's not too bad, as it's in reverse formation so there's plenty of room at the back where first class would be normally Smiley
12  Journey by Journey / TransWilts line / Re: Rail Replacement bus - OK, but I prefer the train. on: January 08, 2025, 07:26:43
The 0650 rep-bus was a bit later this morning and didn't make it to Chippenham in time to catch the 0711 Penzance service. No great loss however as the latter has been cancelled 'because of passengers causing a disturbance on the train' Shocked

Means the 0734 Weston is going to be packed though...
13  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / senior railcard on: January 06, 2025, 15:49:41
I've recently had the misfortune to become old enough to qualify for one of these, and have been making use of it. I had been looking forward to being challenged at the ticket barriers and on board, supporting my belief that I don't look anything like old enough to have one Smiley But so far that hasn't happened.

I've heard guards ask for young persons to show their 16-25 card; is it assumed that seniors are honest? And in fact do ticket barriers give any indication that a ticket has been purchased using a senior railcard? I haven't heard anything out of the ordinary when I pass through.
14  Journey by Journey / TransWilts line / Re: Rail Replacement bus - OK, but I prefer the train. on: January 06, 2025, 13:27:27
Here is the official set of connections from Melksham to Bristol Temple Meads once the trains are running again

Onto that official timing I have added in red:

Yes, thanks - those look like the pre-engineering work times. I've been commuting between Melksham and Bristol by train (mostly) for over 5 years now.

The 06:32 used to run a couple of minutes later and just failed to connect at Trowbridge.

Well... it was possible if both trains were on time, even with the pedestrian bridge crossing; I managed it a few times Smiley (although the 07:21 is my usual)

The journey is now shorter, giving you a 20 minute gain into Bristol.

Yep, although it means leaving the house 45 mins earlier so I don't do it often.
15  Journey by Journey / TransWilts line / Re: Rail Replacement bus - OK, but I prefer the train. on: January 06, 2025, 11:30:35
I note that the bus at 06:50 these weeks is half an hour earlier from Melksham than the normal 07:21 train ... that's an extra 30 minutes on your day.

Yes - I meant to mention that, and it is definitely a drawback. But I'm an early bird, and would be very happy (and surprised Smiley ) if the 07:21 train was brought forward enough to make catching the 07:11 at Chippenham reasonably likely, or at least make the 07:34 a safe bet instead of what is currently an outside chance (the official connection is the 08:09).
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