« on: January 06, 2022, 07:11:16 » |
Due to reduced staff availability due to Covid, there are train service REDUCTIONS across the GWR▸ area (all the way from Paddington to Penzance) next week. For Melksham users there are the following changes:
Sunday 9th January 2022 10.45 Westbury-Swindon Cancelled 11.41 Swindon-Westbury Cancelled So trains will run as follows: 08:36, 13:05, 15:07, 17:07, 18:50 and 20:39 to Swindon 09:38, 14:04, 16:08, 18:08, 19:54 and 21:49 to Westbury
Week commencing 10th 05:17 Westbury-Swindon Cancelled 06:11 Swindon-Southampton Cancelled 17:50 Gloucester-Warminster terminates at Westbury 06:35 Salisbury-Cheltenham starts Westbury So trains will run as follows: 07:20, 07:52, 10:01, 12:32, 14:31, 16:40, 18:49 and 20:21 to Swindon 09:09, 11:30, 13:39, 15:39, 18:02, 19:16 and 21:09 to Westbury
Saturday 15th 15.05 Westbury-Swindon Cancelled 16.03 Swindon-Westbury Cancelled 18.35 Westbury-Swindon Cancelled 19.35 Swindon-Westbury Cancelled So trains will run as follows: 08:05, 08:49, 10:22, 12:20, 14:22, 16:50 to Swindon 09:06, 09:59, 11:30, 13:30, 15:36, 17:79 and 21:31 to Westbury
Trains leave WESTBURY 17 minutes before they leave Melksham for Swindon Trains leave TROWBRIDGE 10 minutes before they leave Melksham for Swindon
Trains leave SWINDON about 25 minutes before they leave Melksham for Westbury Trains leave CHIPPENHAM 10 minutes before they leave Melksham for Westbury
Covid is meaning that plans have to be updated as circumstances change. Please check your train on the day of travel as there may be last minute changes.
Trains from Sunday 16th January will be reviewed early next week; plan is to return the trains that have been removed next week as soon as staffing levels allow them to run reliably.